Secure Satelites

gumonshoe 2987

Mwanza is fun, I think. It at least make sure that games are over quickly; And it will give you the credits needed to land that Hard-Hitting News. Biotic out your beales, na your security forces with biotic. Then Media Blitz psf when they are tagged for some fun. Biotic for the kill.

Rip up your copies of media blitz and replace them with EOI.

10 May 2018 Sanjay

I adore this concept and a lot of what is going on here, but I must regretfully inform you that Media Blitz + Private Security Force doesn't work...

Media Blitz gains the text of Private Security Force and that text is "If the Runner is tagged, Private Security Force gains: "click: Do 1 meat damage."" That text contains a broken self-reference, so it doesn't work. There's a FAQ entry about it.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!

10 May 2018 gumonshoe

That's a dumb ruling. Card names in every game update to "this card" for copy effects, otherwise copy effects don't work. They should fire Jacob. QED

11 May 2018 Cannister

Man, this sounded like a ton of fun. That is stupid.