Adam: Compulsive Hacker

daninrl 1

Current Adam build that I've been running.

6 Oct 2015 daytodave

Why do you run a second copy of each directive? Do you often find yourself re-installing them after Independent Thinking?

6 Oct 2015 daninrl

That's one reason, yes! I also had an opponent trash Always Be Running after a turn where I couldn't shake a tag, and I definitely was leaning heavy on it that game. Being able to keep them around when needed after making a mistake like that, or trashing and reinstalling for the card draw has helped.

I try to play to the directives rather than around or against them, and I've found that I often keep them around much longer than I thought they would last.

I meant do a write up with the deck, but I didn't get a chance to finish. I'll have that up soon.