Controlling the Cyberspace

sh1ken 1

28 Oct 2015 bubbathegoat

I see that you are running single copies of your icebreakers, but you don't seem to have any tutors for them. Special Order is the preferred in-faction tutor for these cards.

The HQ Interface Gang Sign combo is very strong in Leela, and forces the corp to consider very carefully when to score an agenda. Unfortunately, your breakers cannot pressure any corp remotes to force them to score an agenda when they don't want to. I haven't really considered a DDoS/Inside Job combo, but that may let you through a 2-deep server.

I see you are using Doppelgänger, but I'm not sure if the extra runs are helping you. Desperado can give you a credit for each uniced remote you check, yielding both information and a credit. I don't see what the extra click compression that Doppelgänger gives you is triggering. I mostly try to use it with Notoriety and Quest Completed to varying degrees of success.

I like Symmetrical Visage for card draw, but I usually prefer to have 2 copies in my decks to improve my chances of seeing it reasonably early.

A crude rule of thumb that I use for deckbuilding is:

  1. Any card that you 100% need to see every game, and preferrably early every game, include 3 copies (unless it can be tutored).
  2. Any card that is a either
    i) an important tool for my gameplan or ii) helpful utility card in ~50% of matchups gets 2 copies
  3. Cards that I generally like to see, but can't always use get 1 copy. Many of these are 'silver bullets' that are a hard-counter in some matchups, but near-useless in others.

Plascrete Carapace can be either a 2 or a 3 depending on your meta. For a while it was even in group 1 with the huge abundance of flatline decks in my meta. Feedback Filter usually fits into group 3, but can climb into 2 with PE and net damage Chronos Protocol: Selective Mind-mapping growing in popularity. With some practice you will learn what cards you really want to see more of.

Finally, keep in mind cards you draw, but never play. Those you should try to cut from your deck to swap in something more interesting. I always want Quest Completed and Notoriety to be major game-winners for me, but they usually just clutter my hand. I keep trying, but I haven't made it work yet...

28 Oct 2015 sh1ken

@bubbathegoat: Thank you sooo much for your thoughtful review. It really helps to see feedback on some things that I thought for myself.

I already knew that I don't have any tutor nowhere to be found and I really need Special Order (Specially with 1x for each of my breakers). I don't see where should I make some space for them though. I will seriously consider them.

DDoS/Inside Job is exactly for accessing 2-deep servers so you caught that right. It has been working pretty well for the moment but I really hate how I don't have any recursion with DDoS. I would really love a Clone Chip for resources. I'm willing to try Trope since I don't have Levy AR Lab Access anymore in my deck to try to recover my DDoS.

My take on the console was Desperado as first. It helps with the economy and I'm going to do tons of runs anyway... but apparently you didn't consider DDoS/Doppelgänger combo. DDoS works for the entire run and I have tons of multi-access with my HQ Interface and R&D Interface. If I got lucky, I can steal several agendas from HQ, controlling the field with Leela's ability if I'm able to score, and making a hallway for my Account Siphon. That's the way I'm playing it and it works beautifully. I haven't had much problems with the economy so I don't know if I will consider Desperado as long as I can find more utilities out of Doppelgänger. I would love Easy Mark sometimes though.

I always use 2 copies of Symmetrical Visage too but in this deck I'm out of space. Same with the Plascrete Carapace/Feedback Filter thing that you were noticing. It's still hard for me to decide what other cards don't see much play. I did leave out Kati Jones though. I really love that card and in this deck I don't have the time or the needs to click her so into the trash she went.

As you can see, this is my first try to come up with a deck that I can build from scratch so all your feedback is really helpful. Thanks again. Greetings from Chile.