Silhouette: Seer in the Shadows

Agggron 7

Silhouette's advantages are her lean deck size and her ability to know what tricks the Corp is hiding, in terms of both ice and remote servers. Early game, Silhouette's expose on central ice ensures that you do not lose any of your precious breakers. Late game, her expose prepares you for crucial power runs.

This Oracle May deck is designed to keep up a healthy supply of both economy events and run events. To avoid Oracle May misfires, the breaker suite is small, consisting only of two efficient but central-only breakers, Alias and Breach, as well as the one-size-fits-all Crypsis. Mulligan for Oracle May or Hostage - alternatively, any of the icebreakers with some economy in hand is also solid since this lessens the chance for Oracle May misfires.

Early game pressure should be concentrated on HQ - identify which breaker is best for that particular Corp. In most cases, Special Order for Crypsis - for RP and other Jinteki consider Alias, and for Blue Sun consider Breach.

Use the expose on R&D ice, as well as any remotes. Check for Jackson Howard - if you are confident that none are on the board, you can use Planned Assault into Indexing without fear of a reshuffle. This is particularly powerful early in the game, where the Corp should be focusing most of their early defenses on HQ to protect against Account Siphon, leaving R&D weaker. If you can keep the Corp poor, then the expose can also be used in combination with Forged Activation Orders and Emergency Shutdown to open up servers for your attacks.

Later in the game, when the central servers are more secure, making many runs becomes quite costly, so you need to make runs only when they count. For this purpose, install or Hostage for Woman in the Red Dress. If the Corp brings an agenda into HQ, snipe it with Legwork; otherwise, just take the agenda off the top of R&D.

This deck relies on being able to consistently have access to run events when needed while also keeping a solid economy. Deja Vu exists to bring back any breakers from the heap before Special Order gets to them, or to take back a Levy for when you want to recycle all the events.

EDIT: The deck used to have Lucky Find and Power Nap for economy, but I found that money wasn't really an issue, so I used the influence instead for powerful run events, i.e. Indexing with Silhouette's expose looking out for Jackson Howard, Stimhack, Surge to add Crypsis counters when the Corp isn't expecting it.