Enter the Matrix

greyfield 3917

I think the power of lunar ice in Blue Sun is currently underestimated. Think about it: you advance a piece of ice three times, flip it for free, and return it for nine credits, which nets you a profit of six credits on four clicks (including installing the ice), plus the effect of the ice itself on the runner. That's almost like having a permanent Private Contracts, and that's even without Satellite Grid. (Or the runner chooses to never run that piece of ice, which is just as well.)

Not to mention, it takes some of the burden off the Blue Sun deck to run pieces of ice that are ungodly expensive without an Oversight AI, like Hadrian's Wall. While playing Oversight AI on a lunar ice is slightly less profitable, it's still a big boost of credits and increases your flexibility to boot.

This version takes advantage of Crisium Grid's special importance in the new metagame to add in Off the Grid, and goes ice-heavy to back that up. Matrix Analyzer mostly exists just to net you free clicks for advancing ice (or Off the Grid agendas), but lets you play mind-games with the runner and tax them to boot with the subroutine. (Plus, with Matrix Analyzer and Architect in the same deck, the puns write themselves.)

8 Feb 2015 LordWei

Actually, the advancement token permanently reduces the rez cost. Meaning if you returned an Asteroid Belt that had three advancements you would get back 0 credits. Now, if you had Constellation Protocol, or Trick of Light as ways of moving advancements, then you could do the really cool thing of bouncing something you rezzed for free

9 Feb 2015 greyfield

Oh, really? That's goofy. Guess I need to try again.