Green Bluff

Diogene 4178

Update : +2 Psychic Field, +2 Akhet, -2 Project Junebug, -2 Masvingo.

The idea is to grind the runner and threaten the runner with traps. Global Food Initiative (GFI), allow you to survive longer and to use Punitive Counterstrike. City Work Project is the agenda you'll score most often. Hostile Takeover and Gene Splicer allow you get that 7th agenda point.

There will be a lot of install-advance-advance (IAA). City Work Project, to make it extra costly. Gene Splicer, which will cost 2 cards or get you a point. Project Junebug, to cost 4 cards. NGO, to get 8 creds.

As usual, Wall To Wall is a click compression tool, letting you put advance on ices and extra creds and cards.

Bad pub is not a problem here. The goal is to grind the cards (ot hitpoints) of the runner. All ices let you put advance on them to get the ID ability to grind the runner.

You play a big shell game here. Making it so that the runner has to make tough choices. Preemptive Action will let you bring back Dedication Ceremony or traps.

The CVS is for some virus hate. Once the runner see a trap, they will be wary.

This is the Bluff series of fast and light decks. I'll try to do the same concept in all colors.

12 Nov 2020 Xandorius

Nice list! I've been trying to make BoN work for the past week or so, it's my newest project.

You should really consider Akhet! It's replaced Ice Wall for me. In particular, if a runner face checks the Akhet then the second subroutine can put a token on itself, which then fires your ability (as per the Weyland Consortium: Builder of Nations errata). Also, if you slap a Dedication Ceremony on it then the runner won't be able to break the advancement subroutine. This can allow you to put an extra token on your Gene Splicer, NGO Front, or Project Junebug.

7 ICE seems super slim! Do you find the deck suffers against multi-access runners?

12 Nov 2020 Diogene

@Xandorius I will try your suggestion with Akhet. While the goal was to have cheap ices that can grind the runner, having an ice that protect itself from Hippo, grind the runner and get an automatic effect would be preferable.

The reason for 7 ices comes from a concept. I made a bluff deck with Harmony, using only 40 cards to make it go faster and be more consistent. I tried to import the concept in other factions. It worked (except for NBN). But with 40 cards, each slots are precious. And since the ices are used mainly to grind the runner, rather than stop the runner, I do not need many ices.

Half the games end in flatlining the runner through a trap or, more often, through punitive.

You might want to take a look at a deck called "Killer Queen" for BoN. It is pretty interesting.

BoN make very good grinder deck. Leaning into that aspect give good result with BoN.


13 Nov 2020 Xandorius

That's cool! I'll take a look at the killer queen list. I'll be publishing a list soon that I've had quite a bit of success with so far that uses the Hard-Hitting News BOOM! High-Profile Target combo.

I've found that including that kill package in a 44 card deck helps consistency a lot compared to a 49 card one. It's in the tweaking stages but I think the framework is there!

13 Nov 2020 Diogene

@Xandorius This will be good. I've changed the Masvingo for Akhet. This will give me 4 cie with str 5 and 3 cheap str 1. I've also changed 2x Junebug for 2x Psychic Field, because 419 seems to be coming back, and is as annoying as ever. Also Psychic Field is funny with criminal and their Falsified Credential.

Here is the original :

And here what was my take on it :

The concept was to have 3 servers with each offering a bad choice. If the runner does not run, the clock would be ticking to the doom of the runner. The idea was good but I did not have amazing success with it.

Last note, because it just happened : this deck gave me my fastest win ever. Under 1 minute. Runner flatline on the Snare on their first turn. EPIC! (Even if I lost the following game with another deck against said runner. That was too quick :-)