Hypermodernism 3.1: You're Going on the List.

echo/ 836

Played alongside my stealth Andy deck to a 1st place finish in BABW Qualifier at Warwick University.

9 Aug 2015 Chuftbot

GRNDL won a thing? Am I dreaming?

Seriously though, this list looks brutal. Awesome work. How'd your games go?

9 Aug 2015 SlayerCNV

no eater decks?

9 Aug 2015 echo/

Overall I went 5-2 with this deck, taking one loss in the last round of swiss to Noise and one in the cut to Quetzal. The loss to Noise was mostly due to Faust coming down early enough to get him into my scoring remote, taking a HRI early and then I believe hitting R&D or HQ for the rest of the points before I could reinforce the ICE on the remote.

The Quetzal game was similar, an unexpected knight was enough to break an enigma on the scoring remote and then he keyholed to victory as I only drew 3 pieces of ICE that game and didn't put any on R&D.

Other than that most of the games went to plan, scoring out quickly while staying ahead economically, sometimes getting a kill if the runner got too greedy or hit a snare at the right moment. I won't detail all the wins, but they were against: Geist, MaxX, Noise, Reina and Noise again (same player in the top 8.

9 Aug 2015 mawa

I've just noticed no Jackson with 3x Power Shutdown. How did you use it? Just take anything at the cheapest cost or go for the breaker and defend a blacklist and archives?

9 Aug 2015 SlayerCNV

and then...JH was not needed?

9 Aug 2015 echo/

Jackson doesn't help achieve the goals of this deck. Fast track is a much more powerful effect that just drawing additional cards as one of the worst situations for this deck is to have a scoring server prepared but no agendas to put in it. Shuffling agendas back into R&D is also counter-productive as you're extending the game and allowing the runner to establish control - all of your power is in the early game and it disappears around the time they install their 3rd breaker.

Power Shutdown without Jackson is sometimes a risk but most often it's fired for 0 (SMC, Faerie), 1 (Zu, Clone Chip, Datasucker) or 2 (Corroder, Parasite) so the chance of hitting an agenda is low, and can often be worth it to lock the runner out of your scoring server. If you need to be cautious, it's also possible to just ICE Archives after firing the shutdown if you do hit an agenda.

9 Aug 2015 ANRguybrush

@RubbishyUsername usually you try to shutdown cheap stuff like smc, NRE, faerie or clone chip to advance your rush strategy. This will also tidy up the runner rig, so shutting down corroder or refractor becomes possible.

Sometimes you need to ICE up archives to defend unlucky 5/3 mills and sometimes it doesn't really matter because you got the economic upper hand and a kill combo or can score for the win fast enough.

9 Aug 2015 SlayerCNV

i played it with 2x JH over a snare and a single fast track (totally usefull in this deck) and won both by agendas.

I played this deck for a while but eater-keyhole deck shut me down..

10 Aug 2015 omgitsblake


10 Aug 2015 dormio

Did you ever play against a Shaper with this deck? Their SMCs and Clone Chips make the bad pub absolutely brutal. (And there's quite a bit of bad pub in this deck.)

10 Aug 2015 echo/

@dormio I didn't play against any Shapers on the day, as mentioned above, but I've been playing very similar builds (at most 2-3 cards different) for quite some time so I've played against most runner factions, IDs and archetypes by this point.

The Shaper matchup (at least for "traditional" Shapers with Clone Chip and SMC) can be difficult, but the deck still has ways to beat them with the right strategy.

Power Shutdown is great for killing SMC, and often I deliberately leave R&D ICE unrezzed if I have the Shutdown ready so it can be played for 0. Blacklist becomes very important for keeping trashed programs in the bin and should be protected if possible.

As far as ICE goes, the Morph ICE are your strongest tool against Shaper, with Changeling presenting a strong defence as a Strength 4 sentry and Wendigo providing a cheap gear check that can force them to find 2 different breakers.

One more trick available against Shapers is a feature of the decklist itself, as often they will attempt high multi access runs in order to score points in the late game. I have won multiple games from my opponents accessing multiple Snare!s in one run and although I know it's unlikely that they hit 2 just hitting 1 can often open up either a scoring window or a chance to SEA-Scorch.

10 Aug 2015 dormio

@raveladvice This is an excellent reply haha. Thank you. I do really like how fast this deck can be, so I'd like to test more.

12 Aug 2015 evilgaz

Sexy times. I guess my only worry is coming up against a Valencia deck - she's going to be able to Blackmail her way in if she needs to and as long as the runner makes sure they're not Scorchable (either through economy or defences) then you're struggling a bit to do anything against her? I imagine the best defence is a good offence, so you just try to rush stuff out and hope the Blackmail isn't online?