Alarmed and Unharmed (2nd @ UK Nats COS 2024)

Baa Ram Wu 2323

Double Moon

Deck went undefeated at Crown of Servers UK Nats 2024 and helped our team win 2nd place.

Based on Two Previous decks and feeling very close to final form now.

Changed from Monkey/Goat/Cup:

-3 Creative +3 Dirty Laundry: IMO you have exactly 3 slot for staight econ events in this deck - so this is personal preferance whether you play a playset of Gambles, Creatives or Dirty Laundries - DL is notably the least money and the more conditional of the choices, but it does synergise with Qloop, Arisanna and Deep Dive in a way that the others do not.

-1 Propeller +1 Gauss: A change cropped from Deer and Aruzans worlds lists - Gauss can be hype the turn it is installed and it can deal with all the one strength barriers for eternity where propeller can eventually get taxed out of counters. This switch also means we can comfortably DJ Sable in some matchups where we would previously DJ Quetzal.

+1 Alarm Clock -1 Cup -1 Monkey wrench. With 11 influence locked in the final four influence is still the flex for the deck - with decks like jukebox focusing so heavily on click denial having even more additional clicks for running centrals is really useful - plus the ability to safely force HQ ice rez's if you find A.C. early is awesome.

The Alarm clock addition also allows for multiple additional levels of shaper BS Shenanigans - The first being the fact you can install it via the Q-loop on the corps turn, followed by an unexpected click less run on HQ at the start of their turn, more BS to be found in the section below.

An important note on start of turn triggers When fully set up you will have 3 start of turn triggers Aesops, UAV and Alarm Clock - and its important to note that for shaper BS reasons you can order these in any way you choose.

If you have Aesop's fodder you should usually trigger Aesops first as it will give you the most options if you have simulchip or scry one of the Q-loop - If you don't have fodder then Alarm clock run can sometimes make Aesops fodder appear from the top of the deck with Q-loop in time to sell it to Aesops after the run

But things get Really fun with the Alarm + UAV combo:

One simple way to exploit this may be to Alarm clock HQ, installing a Kyuban with Arisanna, gaining 2c as you pass the ice then bouncing it back to hand for 2c on UAV after the run has ended.

But lets dive a little deeper - imagine you have a Pichação already installed on HQ ice before your turn begins - you could start you turn running HQ with Alarm Clock, breaking the ice and gaining a click from Pichação, making a successful run on HQ, and then bouncing the Pichação back to hand with UAV

Now you run R&D installing the Pichação with Arisanna gaining the click back as the Pica bounces back to hand to "appease the rules of the game".

You now have FIVE CLICKS REMAINING and 2/3s of a successful Deep Dive already carried out! MCA, Ikawah, pulse etc don't have S**t on you!!!

This is now potentially the flippiest of Flippy shit that is currently allowed in standard format.

Massive shout out to my team of Wowarlok and Koga from COS and all my 'Legendary' opponents from COS - I had an absolute blast all day.

27 Nov 2024 Encoded != Encrypted

This deck is such a blast. Thank you.

Have you thought of including a Valentina Ferreira Carvalho for the tag match-ups? With Aesop's and UAV it's worth 5 credits on its own at threat so it's not completely dead in match-ups without tags.

11 Dec 2024 saltbid

google baseball allows players to test their judgment through a deck of cards to creatively choose positions and ways to hit the ball, providing moments of fun and entertainment.