MirrorMorph MCA (2nd @ Belgian Nats) 6-3

AlPi 826

The plan is simple: confuse the runner by playing Mirrormorph, hit them with the -1 click with MCA, fast advance a 3 pointer and win!

This deck feels so good to play, it got me to 25th place @ worlds with -1 greasing +1 sublim. The deck plays a bit like PD skunk void, you want 1 clown cart remote abusing Tranquility Home Grid. I went this path because a normal Mirrormorph with fun cards like Nanoetching Matrix or Vapoframe gives Aumakua/Maw too many options, too much strength.

I have 1 Border Control to answer, Light The Fire. M.I.C. is a lot of the time MVP, by either keeping an agenda safe (awesome to score an Ikawah Project behind) or denying a Deep Dive. Our worse matchups are Sable swift, they have just too many clicks to contest it, and anarch with hippo. This deck rezzes around 4 big ice, if you lose 1 or 2 because of hippo it is really hard to protect your servers. You want to go fast, shapers and non-sable crims often can't keep up but optimised hoshiko can, I believe its the worse matchup.

My run:

During Belgium nats swiss the deck went 4-2: 2 wins against Hermes Sable, 1 win against 419 and 1 win against Kit. Both losses were against Hoshiko. I ended first in swiss, first round top cut won against the same kit. 2de round I won with my Lat. 3rd round I won against a hoshiko (against the player who ended 1st) it was a complete stomp, ending on 7 points when he had 0. In the final I faced the hoshiko I played previously, but this time he got a better start and got at some point a stargate R&D lock against me, I ended up losing 2 times...ending 2nd place.

There were some things I could have done better in the final, but dissepointment aside, the event was amasing. A huge thx to the organizers and players!