[Startup] Danger PD - 2nd Place PDX Circuit Opener

saff 27

PDX Circuit Opener 2022 2nd place of 17

3 - 1 in swiss

1 - 2 in top cut

Paired with Lat: Ethical Freelancer (3-1, 2-0)

Startup right now is a hostile place for corps, but PD is always a solid standby and NEXT Activation Command is really well positioned against the Endurance/Boomerang/Botulus meta. Despite that, I was unconvinced in my ability to pilot traditional PD decks to success with both Pinhole Threading around to knock out defensive upgrades and continuous losses to Hoshiko Twinning in testing. I figured if all corps are doing poorly, including a few dirty tricks could maybe steal a couple wins during swiss to sneak into the top cut.

To that end, I cut the Anoetics and went in on Saisentan and Ganked! to either get some free flatlines on turn 1/2 or get a late game blowout when my opponent is forced to contest through a NEXT turn. Saisentan never connected through the whole event but the Ansel 1.0 + Ganked! pseudo-apocalypse came through once in swiss against Hoshiko and once in the top cut versus Lat.

The Saisentans ended up feeling pretty bad against a room of Bukhgalter and Afterimage, and the Magnets, while good against some anarch tools, felt miserable against Hyperbaric and Buzzsaw. Scoring was instead reliant almost entirely on a stack of bioroids with a bunch of upgrades behind it and a few good lockdowns.

Nico Campaign was also nearly useless and would have served me much better as Regolith Mining License instead.

The real MVP of the day however was Digital Rights Management. This deck is especially susceptible to R&D Lock and it both let me find agendas when needed and bluff jamming into the remote.

Once again, thanks mystermerry for setting up the event, and big congrats to benticurus for the first place finish!

27 Sep 2022 benticurus

Woohoo, infinite combo!!