Queta Gear Solid (5/6th Place Millenium Roch, NY Store Champ

DrRaven 50

This deck went undefeated in all the Swiss rounds of the Store Championship at Millenium Games in Rochester, NY on March 7th, 2015, doing a lot better than I expected despite liking it a lot and knowing it very well from running a Whizzard version of it pre-O&C. It beat out an ETF FA, a few NEH FA, and punished a Blue Sun. In the Top 8 it dropped two games to NEH, one like a NEARPAD and the other FA it whiffed on almost all its accesses and the astrotrain ran away with it. It could be a little quicker and more consistent, but early access from Quetzal's ability and the rig it builds towards give it a lot of power.

The rig is the efficient anarch fixed strength breakers backed up by 3 D4v1ds and topped off with an Atman to fill the Strength 4 gap and handle Lotus Field/Changeling/etc. late game this rig can dominate, but I usually don't get it all set up and just use what I need as I go. The Special Orders were to tutor as needed, especially for the Atman. Retrieval Run and Deja Vu were to get back anything dumped by Inject or trashed from play or by damage.

e3 obviously synergizes with Quetzal, but also REALLY helps D4v1d!

The memstrips is for the mediums and nerve agent. spinal Modem and Net Celebrity help with cheapening runs. Net Celberity also saved my bacon against a Housekeeping out of Blue Sun (I Deja Vu'd for it after losing it to damage once Housekeeping was played).

IHW and Utopia were the flatline protection and having 3 IHW in hand against Blue Sun (esp. After being tagged 17 times from a Midseasons) was magical. Utopia also helped snag an Astro from an NEH player when I was up 5 to 2.

Knifed did serious work as it really helps clear out stacked barriers and killed a number of Elis during the Swiss rounds. One game was won vs. NEH by first turn bouncing off an Eli then Knifing it with Quetzal + 1 click to grab an agenda and then pound a slightly flooded HQ. I actually want another as it was missing against a double Eli during my last match in the Top 8.

While this is the exact version I ran with all day, I made a bunch of tweaks from how it played then, so PLEASE see that version (derived from this one) for further discussion and comment.