Nasir's Fast Break v4.1

BTrain 2971

Tweaked from "Nasir's Fast Break v3.0."

v4.1: I don't know if you'd consider this caving but a card everyone thought our Cyber Explorer could do without is back in. Sorry folks, but Nasir still needs money, and when the corp isn't feeding it to him, and Kati/ProCo is your only the outside-the-run money, you tend to either stay pretty poor or spending several turns getting Kati ready for a play (not even a big play; just a play), at which points things have changed, windows have closed, and others have opened that you just can't prepare for. Changes: -1 SMC, -1 Atman / +2 Sure Gamble.

It had to be done.

But the good news is it should eliminate that question of whether to splash Hostage, especially since I'm in love with HQI + Sneakdoor.


v4.0: Krystman gave me some awesome advice on adopting a tournament winning breaker suite that ran in a Kate deck. 3x Atman is back in, along with Inti, Femme, Deus X, and Sharpshooter. This means I have to rely on my Datasuckers a little more, but as long as I make sure I see at least one early, I should be okay.

I dropped the Anarch breakers, Mimic/Yog/Corroder, and that freed up space for 2 HQI's, because HQ multi-access is something I felt a deck this meticulous was sorely missing. Those dropped breakers also meant room for one more SMC, which should really help get the all important first Datasucker out as early as possible. Ideal situation of course is to not have to tutor for it, but if that's the case, then so be it.

I love the direction this build is going, and I owe a big thanks to both CJFM and Krystman for their input. I still want to improve this though. If you see anything you think needs tweaking, please please please make suggestions! My thoughts right now are that this deck is at its absolute weakest when it doesn't see an early Kati Jones. The obvious solution is to swap the HQI's for Hostages to help with both Kati and ProCo, but I just don't know how I feel about that. Sure, Shapers traditionally aren't the "HQ multi-access" faction, but this deck feels dead in the water against an NEH or CI. Thoughts?

25 Aug 2014 CJFM

@BTrain It shouldn't feed DIW with a Sneakdoor Beta just a Test Run away. In any case, let me know how you feel about that breaker suite. I'm interested in how it performs with Nasir.

25 Aug 2014 CJFM


25 Aug 2014 BTrain

Ah, I should have clairifed. Without HQ multi-access, I've always felt dead in the water against HQ heavy decks like CI because variance is the most consistent agenda protection in the game. Anything I can do to up my chances and pull points makes me feel much better about running into HQ.

And against NEH, this build actually does a lot more work than I expected. I've played several games with this deck now, and have had a lot of success with setting up an SMC-Sneakdoor play. Keep SMC on the table to threaten a run, but if you click Kati up accordingly and read how and when the corp lays out ice, you can turn that SMC into a Sneakdoor and hammer HQ through Archives. It works great with single pulls, but it can be deadly if you have the money to drop HQI (either out of hand, or off a workshop) in the same turn.

I am VERY happy with this has been performing, and I can't wait to get better at piloting it.

26 Aug 2014 CJFM

@BTrain Good to hear.

How often has Sure Gamble been stuck in hand?

28 Aug 2014 CJFM

@BTrain How've you felt about the Atman suite? So I've been extremely happy with the Atman/Datasucker suite in my Nasir build. Went 2-0-1 last night with him. The draw was late against RP after an hour long game and we just stopped so the store could close (BUT, I had 2 Atman out, three datasuckers, a mimic and RDI, and he had no hope of keeping me out).

It was strange, but in none of my games did I play Professional Contacts. I never drew it early enough to play it, and now I'm considering cutting it for something else. I think in a deck like Fast Break 4.1, you probably need it more.

How has Sneakdoor been?

29 Aug 2014 BTrain

Sneakdoor and Imp are the two cards I would almost never want to cut from this deck. They're that useful. People have mostly come to expect a one-off Imp in Shaper, but the first time I drop a Sneakdoor against someone, it's fantastic.

And I'm in the same boat about ProCo. If you you don't get it in the first seven or so draws, it's dead weight. Once astrolabe and trade-in hit, ProCo could be on the chopping block.

Also check out version 5.0 of this deck (I'm on mobile or I'd link, sorry). I made room for SOTs which devastates with Indexing or to round out the TR/Scavenge combo, or even just to act as an emergency Scavenge for a Femme.

Check it out, let me know what you think.