SlySquid's Pawnshop v3.2

SlySquid 4763

With the help of my friend from The Fall Guys Dien, here are a few new changes Had to go back to Wyrm, I didn't have it and I'm so use to playing with it... I know a lot of people hate on it but it's really REALLY strong against low ice and brutal when paired with Parasite... Also any extra copy's can be Aesop's Pawnshoped out for cash!

8 Sep 2014 d1en

The video is processing, but will be up momentarily:

Played 3 more games against NEH, NEH, and HB:EtF and faired well. Enjoying the deck tweaks, I think they were solid!

9 Sep 2014 (A)Joke

I'm going to give Wyrm a chance. Let's see.

9 Sep 2014 CodeMarvelous

so how effective is the wyrm. Has this deck been finding success?

9 Sep 2014 SlySquid

@CodeMarvelous It's going great! Had a friend help me tweak it to this point, @d1en, he even recorded a few games with it...

@(A)Joke it's not for everyone but I really love it =) tell me how your testing goes!

9 Sep 2014 d1en

@CodeMarvelous My comment has videos of me playing with it to great success, and it also is linked to the channel where I played with the 3.1 iteration, and my friend Kaiwen (Johncraven) playing it too. Check it out!

10 Sep 2014 zeon

I want to take this deck to a store tournament. @SlySquid @d1en What do you guys feel about Cyberfeeder? Was thinking about replacing 3x Cyberfeeder for the 3x Armitage Codebusting or 3x Daily Casts.

10 Sep 2014 SlySquid

@zeon the reason I have the income I have is because they lend themselves well to Aesop's Pawnshop, yes Cyberfeeder is great in theory (and trust me I tried), in practice it's nothing compared the the total net gain of Armitage Codebusting at 7 and Daily Casts for 6...

If you were to put all the cards just on there own merits than Cyberfeeder may win out but with Aesop's Pawnshop the cards I've chosen are god like!

A tip for Armitage Codebusting is to use it to keep pressure, don't click for two here and there, on a turn the corp has given you no optimal play click that baby for 6-8 credits. After you do that for a few turns your opponent will regret letting you build so much and more often than not agendas will start to build up in his or her hand...

But if you do play it I'd love to hear how it went! And good luck!

11 Sep 2014 zeon

@d1en @SlySquid Okay just play tested this today and did horribly against Jinteki PE. I took an 3 brain damage from a Cerebral Cast early game. Wyldside helped me a lot even with the Brain Damage. Any tips on running against PE?

11 Sep 2014 juliandark

yes, don't run advanced stuff. or run a vamp, drain his money, then run them. Or play keyhole and start milling. If playing with neither, focus on RnD. with 5 cards in hand, get 2 from wyldside and run RnD with multiaccess. most traps don't activate from RnD and with 7 cards you can survive those that do.

11 Sep 2014 SlySquid

@zeon, what @juliandark said, he's spot on...

A few other tips would be having a Clone Chip out and getting a Parasite in archives ASAP, that way you can just kill Komainu mid run, get a Crypsis ASAP, or you can skip that and go all out mill...

PE is a different beast my friend, every deck has the same issue against it, but if you go slow and play smart like @juliandark Pointed out you should be able to squeak out a win.

11 Sep 2014 coy0te1467

@SlySquidHow do you feel about the new 3/1 neutral agenda in First Contact.Chronos Project? Do you feel this is a coffin nail to this deck or the recursion meta? Thank you for making Noise amazing again.

11 Sep 2014 SlySquid

Lol @coy0te1467 I don't feel I did anything special, I'm just stubborn and want a few of my out of the box ideas to be as close to the box as posable, face pushed up against the glass, fogging it up and making it hard for everyone else to see... Also ANRTheFallGuys have been helping a lot!

As for Chronos Project I feel it's a great card and it will effect the deck when it gets scored, but that's the main prob... It needs to be slotted in, played and scored, that's no easy feat. Now the deck that I feel is going to make waves with it is BlackTree (Jinteki: Personal Evolution) and they are putting it in for completely different reasons, it's to burn cards THEY discard not to counter Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire (although I'm sure that's a nice perk!).

I'd like to thank you again for the kind words, and I hope you have fun with the deck!

14 Oct 2014 SlySquid

I have made a v3.3