
zloon 53

Built for a small tournament in Jönköping, Sweden. Went 4-1 only losing to misplays against a Stronger Together glacier deck.

The idea is to have a silver-bullet for most decks, and use the tutors and recursion to always have it available. Use Magnum Opus and Kati Jones as much as you can, and try to run only when you have to. Once you start running low on recursion (or if you think a Chronos protocol is about to get scored), use Levy AR Lab Access to start over.

D4v1d for glacier, Deus X and Keyhole for trap or shellgame Jinteki, Parasite for low strength taxing ice (Tsurugi etc), Astrolabe to give you a shot at keeping up with NEH (also helps against shellgame jinteki), Plascrete Carapace for obvious reasons.

25 Nov 2014 pastorn

Lolz... "misplays" :p

I BEAT YOUR SORRY ASS!! Also, during that there were lots of unknowns (sever was Viktor 2.0 (ur), Eli 1.0 (ur), Tsurugi (ur), Viktor 2.0 (r), Ash (ur) + Project Wotan with 2 advancements), so you didn't know if you were going to need that Atman further in.

25 Nov 2014 pastorn

*...during that run there...

But you should have killed my Mining Corp and not let me use it 5-6 times. You'll be glad to hear I'll be switching out Mining Corp for Eve Campaign. It's gonna be great!

25 Nov 2014 zloon

Yeah, it was mostly me not killing the Mining Corp and letting you build too much econ compared to me I was referring to. I don't think the deck has a particulary bad matchup against your deck, just that I didn't make the correct choices in our game.

25 Nov 2014 pastorn

Here's the new and improved version of what beat you: Strongest Together 1.4