Smokebomb 7


22 Apr 2015 Tsgstarwars

If this is an Information Overload deck, why is there only 1? You're also under decksize and haven't spent any influence. If you want my recommendations for what else to fill up those card slots with:

Scorched Earth would be an amazing addition to punish those pesky runner for forcing you to scrap your TV plans (Midseason Replacements), another Data Raven to force a tag on the runner if they want to run, and Universal Connectivity Fee is a nasty trap for an unsuspecting runner who just got hit by a data raven. Bad Times might also be alternative tag punishment.

Cards I would take out: I really dont like Sub Boost in this deck, maily because ending the run is only helpful on the Information Overload,

22 Apr 2015 FarCryFromHuman

The deck is at 49 cards. You probably have Breaker Bay cards turned off. There's 2x Meru Mati, 1x Crick, 2x Turing and 2x Gutenberg in there.

As for the deck itself, I think you are short on cash. You've got 6 econ operations and a single Pop-up Window and that's it. Some of your ICE is fairly expensive and the Midseason Replacements/Psychographics combo is a money hog.

Since you are running a single scoring server, maybe Shell Corporation would work for you?

Excalibur synergizes nicely with Turing, and very well with Sub Boost. I'd try to get at least two in here so you are sure to see it in most games.

22 Apr 2015 Smokebomb

Thanks for all the suggestions folks, I published the deck cause someone on Jinteki wanted the list, not expecting any comments so this is great. After further tests I definitely found I needed more econ so -1 Manhunt -1 pop-up for two shell corporations I also put in another turing replacing Info Overload which wasn't doing much work. Im not sure how exacalibur works well with turing and sub boost but im giving 1 a try.

22 Apr 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Sorry, I should have been more clear. When the runner hits Excalibur with Sub Boost you are effectively blocking the runner from the server unless he finds an AI or Parasite or something. Not only would it end the run, but prevent any other runs from occurring.

Excalibur works well with Turing because both cards are effectively the same effect; porous ICE that stops the runner from doing anything to you for the rest of his turn. The runner can run a remote, losing the rest of his clicks on Turing, or run a central and hit Excalibur, losing the ability to run on any remotes. It's not direct synergy, but certainly a rock and a hard place.

22 Apr 2015 Smokebomb

Yeah I like that, so I took out a Turing (bringing them back to 2) and a snatch and grab and added 1 excalibur and a crisium grid. Looking forward to testing this puppy some more

23 Apr 2015 Tsgstarwars

My apologies, breaker bay stuff must have been turned off or it wasn't showing, because I can see it now. One idea that might not be bad is to sub boost Turing,