Blacklisted by Genome

x3r0h0ur 8956

I decided to try out blacklist in a deck that can sort of protect it.

Dump stuff to make it expensive, damage away the good cards, put them on the black list and laugh.

Crick lets you play keep away with blacklists as they run to flip the stack to trash it, you reinstall another one, or economy, or something.

I've won all 3 games I've played with it, so I want to see what more seasoned genomics players think.

15 May 2015 Dydra

@x3r0h0ur I've got a new Geno build that I'm keeping hidden right now. It has a totally different spin on the ID, but it's pretty scary. I'm also undefeated until now, but want to wait until I make 10 or 15 games with it.

Watch out for it!

P.s. I think that little more program trashing might help you out, since they can't recur their breakers? Have you thought about Will-o'-the-Wisp or Power Shutdown, which has sync with this ID anyway...

15 May 2015 Jashay

I doubt I count as experienced, but I'll weigh in anyway.

Last time I played IG I totally overdid it on the Hostile Infrastructures; you can leave the runner in a situation where it's almost pointless to try and trash assets, whereas it's probably better to have them waste their clicks and money. How is the single HI working out?

I'd be tempted to run Hokusai Grid to stick on Archives, but the deck seems pretty solid, so I'm not sure where you could squeeze it in. Turtlebacks are a fairly good option in these decks, too; a PAD Campaign with the potential for a bit more front-loading.

Kind of surprised not to see Architect, but at the same time, I never play them with the expectation of the subroutines actually firing.

One thing I'm finding pretty glorious is Cyberdex Virus Suite. I'd seriously consider a 1-of.

But it looks solid! I might give it a swing this evening, see if anything crops up during play. The one issue I could see is people ignoring the assets and going for massive R&D digs; most of the ICE is punishing but porous.

15 May 2015 x3r0h0ur

Hostile infra is 90% for keyhole runners, and wanton destruction :P Its just icing on the cake, and if runners want to hold important things, at least 1 trigger of damage ensured is good. I like hostile as a 1 or 2 of.

Crick replaced architect for the influence, ichi 2 is a sweet blowout card, way better for the inf at this point.

I always want hokusai grid in a damage deck, but the slots :/

CVS is a great 1 of, and I might find room for that (+2 hokusai +1 cvs +braintrust?)

@dydra I find that players just don't know how to cope with IG, so game wins are easy, I'm curious how these stack up against real (good) players. Test it out and let me know, I'm curious to see the list.

15 May 2015 Jashay

It doesn't work on Wanton Destruction; it forces the Corp to trash the cards, which is not the same as the runner trashing them. I thought I'd flatlined a runner only to be cruelly corrected. :(

I reckon a third NAPD Contract instead of the Braintrust, unless Valencia or Traffic Jam are particularly prevalent in your meta. 58 cards, unless you mean to put in another Hostile Infrastructure... I'd start worrying about ICE density at that point. It's at least worth a swing, though. If you can get away with it in any deck it would be IG

15 May 2015 tuism

I've been playing IG exclusively for the last month or so.

I now find spending influence for Tollbooth in IG a waste as Ashigaru does an equal if not in most cases better job. It laughs at Corroder and there are cases where it's much better. The difference being of course the 3 cred upfront tax when you first rez it, but it's negligible if you're going for the long game, which IG almost certainly is.

I've not played such a ICE-heavy IG yet though. 3x Cortex Lock is a must for me because there's no point drawing it past the earlier turns, and when I draw more I can pitch them for benefit without fear.

HOK was one of my favourite IG agendas but then I changed my plan from murder to scoring. HOK is really, really good. But yeah, if you're going for murder. IF you're going for murder, Mamba synergises really well with HOK, as another damage in a run can really tip the balance.

Though if you're going for murder... Fetals seem like an obvious choice. Though I see you're split between murder and scoring, so... I don't know if it works better than a sharper focus.

MHC too. OK if you're not going for murder, I wouldn't bother with HOK and the other thousand-cut things cluttering up your strategy.

15 May 2015 bcavalier

I hated playing against this in my Hayley, Beach Party, Game Day, mass cycle deck ... Jank v. not so Jank is sometimes painful. Blacklist is a MUST in a Jinteki that will do any Net Damage.

15 May 2015 Myriad

Blacklist is so good with this ID, I still don't get why more people aren't slotting it in there. IMHO its a more damaging silver bullet to any recursion decks than clot is to FA.

15 May 2015 Glitch29

@Dydra Is Will-o'-the-Wisp adding another tax to Archives? Or are you trying to protect a single agenda or asset with it? You have to rez it before the runner's final chance to jack out, so it only provides a deterrent and can't trash a program unless the runner allows it.

15 May 2015 bcavalier

@Glitch29 You can Res Will-o'-the-Wisp after the runner has committed and it will still have an effect. Same way a runner has to commit to an archive access and you can res a Jackson, and pop. It's not like Caprice Nisei where the effect happens before the successful run.

4.3 happens before 4.4.

16 May 2015 skyrunner36

You've got a good deck here. One thing I'd recommend is drop the house of knives for a copy of hades shard. It's saved my bacon a few times.

17 May 2015 vor_lord

@Dydra -- Will-o'-the-Wisp doesn't have synergy with Blacklist, since the icebreaker goes to the bottom of the stack. I keep wanting to put Blacklist in my Uncorrodable until I remember that.