RP Valley (1st, Dream Wizards GNK)

GMan 99

Everyone and his mother is running something like this nowadays, but I spent way too long tweaking this deck. I used to run Chronos Protocol to great effect in RP, but I've noticed others doing that lately so I figured it was losing surprise factor; thus the largely Parasite-proof ice. I also wanted to be Atman-resistant, so only one Lotus and no Ichi.

In the end all of it did work except for Susanoo (I clearly over-teched for PPVP Kate). Cortex Lock never did any real damage but slowed runners down a lot for its 2 cost. Architect is the only Mimic-able ice; firing it doesn't have impact it does in NEH, but it really slows runners down here.

3-1 on the day:

Game 1, W - Cyberdex in R&D won me the game against a crazy 19-access Hivemind + Medium Maxx.

Game 2, L - Very close loss to Eater Maxx who'd used up all cards and recursion. One moment of weakness lead to a couple Siphons I almost, but not quite, recovered from (1 cred short from rezzing Archives ice that would've won the game).

Game 3, W - An interesting Stealth + DS Kate took a 5-2 lead after a few accesses, but I ultimately took control with econ and ice. The Cyberdex also did work in this matchup.

Game 4, W - Stealth Andy was exceedingly tough as always, and I only won thanks to a triple Eli remote and a Psi game win. (In retrospect I realized we forgot the Masanori tag from that run, which would've been big.)