Celebrity Nasir v.3.1

CJFM 2270

Went 4-3 last night with my only losses against NEH (we were testing to see how to beat it with this Nasir). [My corp is still undefeated.] One win against The Foundry (A NEXT Design transplant), and three wins against GRNDL Supermodernism (ggs SR!). Only differences between the deck I played and this published version are that version had +1 Akamatsu and -1 Dirty Laundry.

Things I loved:

Deck is FAST. Getting up and running with Nasir is pretty amazing with Desperado. Going to 3 made it so that I hit one every game and early. I was consistently fine on cash throughout my games. The influence is hard to spare, but it seems to fit perfectly in to an Atman build.

Dirty Laundry is also very good in this build. This Nasir plays like a criminal, running a lot. Getting click efficiency is pretty important. Also of note, it's not a small thing to go from 2-5 cred for Nasir, many of the breakers are ~ 5 cred, and you can SMC Atman at 0 with 5 cred. ProCon is also 5. It feels great to DL archives last click so that you keep your cred high, net sucker tokens and a cred from Desperado. Nothing new here, really, but DL overperformed for me in the last build, so I went up to 2 in this one.

The Atman Rig is so much more efficient than my previous Yog/Gordian, fixed breaker suite. None of the decks I played could really keep me out. Running 1 Mimic is tech against RP and it was extremely handy against GRNDL.

Professional Contacts/Kati Jones With these two and Desperado, I was always in the cash, and drawing fresh cards. Helps find things for PW if I have it, and keeps me aggressive.

2 Net Celebrity is enough, even in a deck that likes free credits during the run. Drawing more than 1 feels really bad.

Memory was never an issue.

Things I Will Probably Change

Indexing. To be honest, every single time I played this, I whiffed. That's sort of the story of my life with Indexing. I would have rather had Escher, another Dirty Laundry, or even a second Quality Time. The best thing about this rig is that it's cheap to get in, and the corp can't keep you out. Hard-locking RnD was easy. Indexing felt like a win-sooner card than a win card (not that there's anything wrong with that). This slot is open as of now.

That 3rd Atman. I'm not 100% sure on this, but I might want to go down to 2 Atman in this deck. The reason Katman decks only run 2 is because of the ridiculous card draw + test run/scavenge combo, functioning with PPVP. I don't really have that capability in this deck, and am worried that I won't find my Atman when I need to. While my gut is saying go down to 2, my head is saying stay at 3.

Mimic vs Femme. I keep going back and forth on this in my mind. Mimic is a much cheaper, more efficient fixed breaker. Femme has a slightly larger upside against troublesome ICE and is more flexible. So far, I've had few problems with ICE using this new rig, so I'm not really sure here. I'm inclined to keep Mimic. It's easier to SMC, and I want to be cheap/efficient.

I'm also more than happy to talk about the matchups more.

Thoughts and comments welcome :)

8 Sep 2014 DrunkenGineer

In all of your Nasir decks, have you ever been unhappy with lacking HQ multi-access?

10 Sep 2014 CJFM

@DrunkenGineer: I also mention this in my Magical Nasir build, but yes, I do wish I could fit in HQ multi-access. Perhaps the best way is with 1x Nerve Agent + one other 1 infl. card?