
Benjen 726

My take on the Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe Paparazzi Data Leak Reversal deck.

The goal is to mill the corp to death. And since the deck takes a while to set up, you are going to need all the help you can get . . . hence the inclusion of Spoilers and Fisk Investment Seminar. Those cards just get cards out of R&D and onto the board or into Archives, where you want them.

Film Critic is there in case you hit nasty agendas or are playing against Haarpsichord studios. Blackmail lets you snag some remote agenda, or get a run on archives to either install Data Leak Reversal or access all those cards you milled.

Activist Support is there if, for whatever reason, the corp clears the bad publicity or plays All-Seeing Eye.

Use Déjà Vu to get back anything the cord trashes and just put it back on the board.

Quémalo means "Burn it" in Spanish. An appropriate title given what you will do to R&D.