
Diogene 4178

This is the most classical Shaper deck ever. Not much in the ways of tricks. Lots of multiaccess, nice drip of creds, formidable rig.

After some experiment, I changed the mix a bit. I took out one copy of each breaker, in favor of Gebrselassie, Misdirection and SMC. This allow the deck to run for the late game and put more pressure in the early game.

This deck leverage the ID by using Hot Pursuit (gain 7 creds) and Maya (a bit of soft multiaccess). The ID also allow some form of protection versus NBN (Data Raven is popular).

Multiaccess comes in the form of Legwork and Maker's Eye. You also get multiaccess from Turning Wheel and Maya. That is a lof multiaccess. When you find a strong operation (IPO, Punitive) or a strong ice (Tithonium for exemple), Maya will let you put it at the bottom of the deck. This will save you heaps of trouble.

Synthetic Blood is a counter for Jinteki and some Weyland grinds.

Euler and Gauss can be recured, either by reinstalling it with a new one in hand, or using simulchip. This will save you a lots of creds, especially for run against multiple ices. Euler will break subs for free and Gauss gain +3 str. Ika is free and since you can lose it from ice trashing, it is good to have spares.

Usually, there is not many sentry ices. If the corp is not build on the horizontal, it can be worth it to have one less Rezeki to put 2 Ika in play, so that you do not need to move them (2 creds) everytime you push pass a second sentry. It will save you creds. Because while Ika is an excellent breaker, the "entry" cost of using it is 2 creds, if you switch it each time.

Gebrselassie will allow you to keep one (Gauss or Euler) strenght up for the whole turn. This will save you a lot of creds. Misdirection is the best counter for NBN and all those who use Hard Hitting News. It will save you clicks and creds (and troubles).

DJ Fenris will let you have Los, for horizontal deck, or Quetzal, for deck using powerful barrier with one subs.

Creds comes from the usual (aside from Hot Pursuit) : Sure Gamble, Daily Cast, Prof.Co, Beth and Rezeki (that is 17 of 45 card). If you ake Los on DJ, you'll get 2 creds per turn for running on an unrezzed ice. This is like saying the first run on a ice is 2 creds cheaper.

This is a Jesminder deck. No rebirth needed here. There are too much cards that combo with the ID.


4 Sep 2020 114141

Liza sadly is banned. I'll still try this list in the next days, seems nice

4 Sep 2020 Diogene

@114141 So true! Jnet (and my android app) are giving me the choice and so, I forgot that it was a banned ID. I'll make the correction in the text. I hope you enjoy the deck. Let me know your thoughts on the deck. Cheers!