[SG+SU21] Ending Humanity

PreNic 351

This deck is only based on System Gateway and System Update 2021. I would suggest to play this after practicing a little bit with the Starter Deck.

A few notes on the deck:

  1. The ability of your ID will grant you 1 at the end of the discard phase if there is a facedown card in Archives. We want to use this ability to create a constant flow of credits.

  2. The economy of the deck is build around the ID's ability plus Hedge Fund, Hansei Review and Subliminal Messaging. Hansei Review is synergic with your ID since it will put a facedown card in Archive on use (if you have one to discard). Subliminal Messaging will guarantee a 1 additional income if the runner did not make a run during their last turn. Moreover, you can discard Subliminal Messaging for Hansei Review and later take it back to HQ.

  3. You have 8 cheap ices with "End the run" subs (Eli 1.0, Palisade and Enigma). In addition to that Diviner could also occasionally end the run (but I would not count on that). Karunā is here to punish with at least 2 damages a runner without a killer. Tithe is here to either tax the runner 2 (it will cost so with any killer in System Gateway + System Update 21) or to make them discard 1 and give us 1: I guess we are happy in both ways since it is really cheap for us. Try to put at least one Eli 1.0 or Palisade on the scoring remote.

  4. Snare! loves to stay in HQ or R&D but you can occasionally install in in your remote for a surprise, especially if the runner fears that you are going to score your last agenda. Just keep in mind that you need to have 4 to use its ability. If the runner is threatening the R&D with Conduit or some other tech, it could be a nice idea to reshuffle all your Snare! in R&D with Spin Doctor ;)

  5. With the exception of Longevity Serum, your agendas are all 4/2 or 5/3, meaning that you would need to score them over at least 2 turns. Seamless Launch is here to allow installing a 4/2 without advancing it and then doing Seamless/A/A/score in the next turn. You have multiple cards that you could install facedown in the remote server and that will look exactly like an agenda. Try to bluff agendas and force the runner use their precious for nothing.

  6. Nisei MK II is a key part of the strategy of the deck. Scoring at least one of them and getting to use their "End the run" ability when required would be extremely valuable in the end game. I would avoid using the token on Nisei MK II before you are ready to score the last agenda... unless this would be to prevent the runner from stealing the winning agenda. ;)

  7. If you manage to score a couple of 2 points agendas, you could reach a point when you could score a Send a Message and win the game. Unfortunately, you need to install/A/A and then A/A/A/score in the next turn; a double Seamless Launch could make the trick but this will hardly happen. The combination of Nisei MK II + Anoetic Void + Manegarm Skunkworks is here to protect your agendas for one turn: this is all you need.

Mulligan: Hedge Fund or Hansei Review in the starting hand would make you happy. Try to avoid starting with two agendas in hand, Spin Doctor is also useful in such cases.