MDMA Hosh (1. @FI+Baltic nats)

aksu 621

Deck does def cook

Drug related Trifecta achieved. Ty xiaat for the idea.

I also played this list in German nationals and did pretty poorly. But realistically I faced two bad matchups with the goat opening so I don't really know if I can blame the deck. Tho people should have seen the speed of witch I recovered from thinking hosh is whack. It was max like a 5 minute walk from the venue to the hostel :D.

Ok first time I actually try to talk about a deck list. The shell I got was directly dropped into my DMs by a notorious East Aldershot Sports member NotYeti. I had planned to play a different form of hosh but after a bad weekly meetup playing against the TOXIC (/j) mitm PD list that one just proved to be too slow to contest it at any rate. So we kinda end the meetup bit early because people have to go do stuff (pack my bags for a Germany flight that leaves at 12:00) I jumped on to a discord call with the AuggyCaesar himself to play couple of practice matches. And I end up just tuning the list made by NotYeti.

The idea behind the list is just to deliver good anarch cards to the table. Get a turbine down and value the enemy down. Events are just pile of money and gas. Boomers let you into the remotes that have just 2 ice on them with the combo of bankharing the first one and boomering the 2nd. Resources.... yea they def exist. Basic breaker suite. And the 2nd turbine is there to mainly find one early. And then also allowing you to discard the first one if you just end up drawing it on like turn 2 against a fast MU where you need to bankhar quickly. I am really happy with the list tho I know it is not the best list around but still good and solid just gotta play better than the opps.

To Germany I ended up adding a light the fire and Respirocytes because Auggy convinced me. That it is a good tech thing to have. THERE ENDED UP BEING A SINGLE AZMARI PLAYER! So I just ended up moshing the respirocytes away like 3 times and every time opponent went to read it and I just said "you don't have to read that its just tech for the djubstad azmari list" :D. And in the tournament I just end up kinda performing rough during the thing.

Kinda sad about my result I actually practice for a week (3 days because I left on Friday to Tallinn) Did a stream but def did not keep the schedule up sry I just don't have it like the goat from metropole does :D.

Traveling to Estonia was fun. Just chilled out with my friends on Friday and went to eat in some kinda larpy medieval style place to eat. (Tallinn old city is really sick and everybody should go there. Probably the tied most beautiful city I have ever seen). Saturday the event starts and I just play solid.

Me and IDing in Finnish nationals top cut have a bad relationship. 2022 I ID last round with Council despite their warnings and end up getting 5th A really disappointing moment. Then in 2023 I end up IDing with Council and Roppa and get 5th again. Council drops out from the tournament for some reason so I got to play in the cut and managed to win but still personally I felt like there was a massive asterix on my win from that year. This year secured with sss I manage to ID with Dunsch into getting top of Swiss after going 4-1-1 in total.

In the cut it is first a exciting game against AxWill one of the strongest players in Finland that I kinda had as my goal to beat when I joined the game. (if you read this I hope you find more time to play netrunner more. But even just getting to play more rarely in COs etc is always a highlight of the events). Next in winners finals is waiting my loooooooooooong time friend Raptori (calling fam by the online name feels really silly. Extremely well played on the day.) Bit of a walk and a watch of the last game between two players I really want to play against in grand finals. Grand final between AxWill was very fun to play and managed to secure it out with PD.


Last I really want to say couple of thanks to people.

Ty for AxWill for organizing the tournament.

Thanks for AxWill, Iceprisma, Henry, Natcho and Raptori for travelling and making the trip so worth it by just being cool people to hang around with.

Thanks for Tyranda for being there to defend Estonia.

Thanks for Suipe, Viljums and docents from traveling from Latvia.

God I love this game and all the players that play it. Next year there might not be national championships but I will def be all over the world playing the game. Maybe not as the best player around but I will definitely give it my all!

damn kinda actually teared up on the last paragraph...

Well what evs next stop UK nationals. Hope to see everybody there. My decks will def be gas af.

<3 from Aksu

19 Aug 2024 Council

Congrats Aksu!

Always knew you could do it

19 Aug 2024 not_yeti

"Hey I recognise this list.. WHY IS IT 46 CARDS!!!???"

19 Aug 2024 aksu

@not_yetimade it better 😊

19 Aug 2024 HaverOfFun

Lesgooooooo Hoshiko not washed?!? Glad we can always count on you to teach us these lessons!

19 Aug 2024 xiaat

Imagine being a hard house band called Cast-Iron Speedwalker and recording a banger called The Police, with the only lyrics of "I continue raving on sped-up legs. Hide the pills, watch out, it's the police!"
Your next step? You guessed it: it's going to one of St. Petersburg dance classes for children and asking them to prepare a routine for you to record it and make it into a music video. And no, you don't face jail time after that. 90s was an unhinged time.
Thus, a decklist pairing suggestion, one of the Russian MTV hits circa 2000: Π§ΡƒΠ³ΡƒΠ½Π½Ρ‹ΠΉ скороход - ΠœΠΈΠ»ΠΈΡ†ΠΈΡ

19 Aug 2024 Supernaut

Hosh meta is back? Fam is truly cooking

22 Aug 2024 viljums

Thanks for shoutout @aksu Latvian crew did show up, but not in the greatest shape. Hopefully next time we will be more ready. This could be start of a great finno-letto rivalry.