Between a Roja and a Hard Place

Espertine 1

My first deck!

This is a Reina deck focusing on Criminal shenanigans and keeping the corp broke. The idea is to get Xanadu up and running, then use Rook and Forged Activation Orders every time the corp puts ice on the table. Account Siphon kicks them when they're down, and then you can psyche them out with Gorman Drip when they try to scrape back the credits (but this isn't really necessary, just funny).

Pawn and Deja Vu provide recursion of Rook and FAO, though Deja Vu could (and probably should) be replaced with Same Old Thing. Kati Jones, Ice Carver and the usual Anarch icebreakers are there for any ice that does manage to get rezzed. Or whilst getting started, depending on how successful you are at getting Xanadu and Rook off the ground in the first couple of turns.

26 Feb 2015 ArchmageBB

Is there a reason not to play lamprey, he would combo well with your other effects.

27 Feb 2015 Espertine

Yeah I'm just working from cards I already have, I can see how Lamprey would work. Lamprey and Data Leak reversal would ensure that the corp is at maximum stress at all times trying to ice the three central servers. There is a lack of Plascrete because they shouldn't be able to afford to use Scorch, so DLR becomes possible...