Audacious Moons (SSCT Winner)

CritHitd20 6979

The CI Moon decks that have been popping out of the woodwork recently have been really powerful and fun, so I chose to play it over Rewiring (plus I wanted to prove I know how to play real Netrunner). While I do not think it's strictly as good as Rewiring CI, it is EXTREMELY flexible, as we saw many times by several players on Stimhack's stream of the event. The base of this deck is Josh01's list, posted by Simonmoon on Meteor, with a few changes based on my experience testing CI Moons prior to Worlds.

1: Ashigaru is a great tax but it sucks to deny yourself lines of play for a deck with so many flexible plays, so I went with Tollbooth for my taxing ICE of choice. Everything is a pain with Sandburg anyways, and Booth has a penalty for encountering which makes it closer to the FC3 we all wish we had access to.

2: 5/3s are difficult to work around but with so much Mad Dash I don't know if it's insanely wrong to play them. In addition, Elective's ability is phenomenal, threatening game as soon as scored. Lakshmi gets a hair better, you get a deck slot, and you get inf to play with.

3: I added two Team Sponsorships, cutting a CVS. I expected 0 decks with both Clot and Film Critic and played against 0 decks with both Clot and Film Critic, so the moral is get lucky and get rewarded? It was also needed for...

4: Audacity. Moons regularly goes to a small number of cards in HQ, especially with Successful Field Test around, and Audacity opens up a lot of really cool lines while providing your "7th" Biotic. It was used three times at the event to allow me to score 4/5 pts in one turn alongside support cards like Biotic, Sponsorship, Jeeves, and my agendas' abilities. Sponsorship lets you recur cards you pitch to Audacity should you not be scoring the winning agenda.

Surprisingly for me there is nothing that I'd immediately change from the event. The starting deck was great and I won't claim this one is better, but as usual it suits my playstyle of being modular with combo-based elements. Real glad CI Moons is playable right now; it's the most fun deck I've played both with and against the last few months. Unlike Rewiring I think this deck promotes a lot of interactive play and its main strength is actually how few people know how to play optimally against it; asset-heavy decks can be a LOT of fun if you build around it, and there are a lot of ways to do so without compromising your deck. It teaches you to optimize your play on both sides and practice mind-games within high-level play, so I encourage everyone to consider this deck along with Bankers CtM right now if you want to improve your corp play.

Thanks so much to the folks at Stimhack for running a wonderful event, and to my opponents for some incredibly fun games. Special thanks to Peter McOwen for telling me to play Moons when I was frustrated with my corps; from now on I think I'll just ask him what I'm supposed to be playing since that appears to be working out well for me.

4 Feb 2018 Manticore

Thanks for sharing this deck! It's a ton of fun. I won a store champ with this today, going undefeated! :D