Yall Just Suck at Crim (2nd Cascadia, 3rd EC Nats)

Whiteblade111 3039

No, Criminal is not the worst runner faction, you're probably just bad at playing criminal.

This is the Sable list Solomir took to a 2nd place finish at Cascadia. Rongydoge played a near identical list to a 3rd place finish the weekend before at East Coast Nationals, although I think he played a full 15 influence like a coward

In terms of playing, It's like 3 cards different from the Sable list Rotom took to a high finish at UK Nationals last year. It's very good. You just sort of play tempo control with Diversion and Hermes, and use your strong tech cards (Miss Bones, Stoneship) to dodge matchups where they try and do weird shit. Tired of losing to your local PD player? beat them to death with criminal.

I've been playing this personally as well and been having good success on it. I played it as my challenge deck as staff at Cascadia and went undefeated with it. Good deck good.

On Cascadia:

It was lovely to run Cascadia again. A big thanks to Radiant, Sindarin Cephalopod Wizard and Clayton for working as staff on the day. Mox continues to be an incredible host for the event. Thank you to Andrej, Ysengrin and Peter H for their commentary on the stream! A shout out to CTZ for helping troubleshooting the stream issues on the day.

Seeing everyone was lovely. As my time to actually attend events continues to shrink, having a weekend where the best players on the west coast can gather to hang out and play Netrunner is wonderful. I love you all and hope to see you next year at Cascadia.

18 Aug 2024 Council

How do I ignore someone on NRDB

19 Aug 2024 rongydoge

fats cradle

20 Aug 2024 enkoder


20 Aug 2024 koga

Genuinely laughed at the first line. It's nice to see a list perform well across multiple tournaments, played by different people too!

20 Aug 2024 Clayton


21 Aug 2024 NotAgain

Can't agree more with the title

23 Aug 2024 ctz

Crim is hard(er) so just get good

23 Aug 2024 CephalopodWizard

Yet another excellent criminal decklist. Looking forward to destroying an unsuspecting local meta with it!

24 Aug 2024 Crunchums

It's like 3 cards different from the Sable list Rotom took to a high finish at UK Nationals

-1 Paladin -1 Flip Switch +2 Stoneship from this list

25 Aug 2024 maninthemoon
