ctz 4034

How to play this deck:

Look like this

Look like this

Sound like that

Sound like that


  1. Mulligan for Bellona and/or Better Citizen Program. Install them early as you have to be home for dinner by 6
  2. M.I.C is a brutal facecheck and can prevent them for having enough clicks to clear tags
  3. Phoneutria is your 4th Funhouse
  4. Predictive for cards
  5. Install NGO, advance once, SYNC Rerouting is the best play in this deck
  6. Retributing their fracter gives your Pings a minuscule amount of honor post Rez
  7. Whenever
1 Oct 2023 Jai

Whenever ✅

1 Oct 2023 x3r0h0ur

Got any cheeeeeeeeese

2 Oct 2023 nbkelly

I look like this and I sound like that

7 Oct 2023 jennyhana

The information you share is great, please continue to write about this topic regularly flagle)