NEH - 2nd Place Store Championship Paladin's Place, Germany

aenimator 124

Not much to say here really. It's basically the Scorched Earth alternative to the standard Fastrobiotics that has been out there for a while. I really love protecting my SanSan's with Snare!'s and I love Data Raven's as they can really slow the runner down allowing me to fast-advance after all. Why the Architect in a non-fastrobiotics? Well, it's still fun with the ID ability and it can help you re-install trashed SanSan's and throw either a Snare! or NAPD on it perhaps opening a Midseason opportunity.

However, O&C was not legal by the time of the SC and I believe this deluxe will become a problem for this deck. Not sure if the mere addition of cards like Crisium Grid can stop the upcoming anarch destruction.

12 Mar 2015 sniperbag

Hey Dude! First of all, congratulations to your awesome win! It was a hard meta, but you managed to pull this off with good ol' NEH and Ken. (Even though I thought Ken would be the star of said day) Nonetheless what is there to say about this deck? Standard and solid as always. I just feel the NEH with kill threat is way more efficient than the Biotics version. You can't be too fast, can't be too slow. Really hard to stop this.

16 Mar 2015 b3ar

Nice Deck. I played something similar before, but with 3 Scorched Earth and additionally two Marked Accounts. It's interseting that you added an Architect. Do you usually have enough credits to land a Midseason Replacements?