Nasir OverMind

Caspian89 8

The core of the deck is Overmind and Personal Workshop. The idea is to take advantage of Nasir's powerful identity ability to start running with Overminds early. There is the standard silver-bullet package against difficult ice. The LLDS Chips are there to provide additional income for mid to late game run-fest turns.

The economy revolves around Nasir's ability and Personal Workshop since he will often have money during runs. To further take advantage of that Stimhack help push through all your rig pieces in a hurry. Kati Jones is a long-term, consistent credit machine as a plan B. Supplemental run money comes from Order of Sol, LLDS Chip for cheaper runs, Omni-Drive, The Toolbox and Pheromones.

Pheromones is backed by Sneakdoor Beta which can provide big powerful economy runs with Personal Workshop. Sneakdoor will force more ice rezzing and keep R&D soft to Medium attacks.

Breakers are Overmind, Sage and Creeper. Sage and Overmind like lots of MU. I found that Dyson Mem Chip filled this role well for Nasir as it also boosts his link, as Traces are a natural weakness of the identity. Deus X serves as a nice silver bullet for rezzed big ice like Janus or Archer in combination with Crescentus. Parasite helps to kill difficult for Nasir to handle ice like Pop-Up window. Self Modifying Code and Test Run find what you need. Clone Chip re-uses it.