Tax and tag! Yell OW!

Diogene 4178

NBN needs not help from out of faction. Just like Anarch on the runner side, the NBN faction support itself really well.

if Jinteki: Personal Evolution is the poster child of Jinteki, so is NBN: Reality Plus for NBN. This deck showcase how good the card pool of NBN is.

Game plan : tag the runner, score behind ices.

Mulligan plan : you want at least one ice in hand.

I did the same experiment a year ago and the deck was good enough then. But now, it is really good.

No income, no tax

E-V-E-R-Y ices gives tags. So, any runner that facecheck those ices with no support will make it cheaper for the corp to rez.

Bellona is the best trap there is in the early game, if you have Oppo Research. Let the runner steal it, lose 5 and then get tag bombed. Giving 4 tags for 5 and a click, while the runner will have to spend 4 and 8, what a bargain!

Our ices are made more costly with Eavesdrop. Trace 3 is no joke, even for 419: Amoral Scammer. This goes with plan of taxing the credits of the runners through tags.

Tag me runner will soon face the wrath of Market Forces or let us get 3 points from Shipment from Vladisibirsk (did I mention how busted good is Project Beale).

NBN is great at taxing the runner, especially through tags, for which there are currently precious few tech to help against.

Here, I chose not to use Gaslight, but you could easily include it, it is an amazing card for the deck.

This is a good deck. Better builders could surely make this a competitive deck, with the same restriction. This is how strong the card pool of NBN is, in my opinion.

Try it, it is easy to play and it will showcase the faction.


15 Dec 2023 Porkobolo

Yellow must be strong :3

15 Dec 2023 scd

Insert 15 copies of Mavirus.

15 Dec 2023 Diogene

@Porkobolo yes, probably generically the best.

@scd huh? Maybe you wanted to write Hush? It would disable a big chunk of this deck.

15 Dec 2023 scd

Nah, just trying to give you ideas of what you could do with all that free influence.

16 Dec 2023 Diogene

@scd with the sheer amount of Mulch type decks I've faced recently, changing all the Eavesdrop for Snare! would probably be the best call. Cheers!