
afishisborn 2810

Make difficult servers. Tech Startup retrieves Melange for money, or Director Haas when you're rich. Pop agendas out with Haas. Clot? You've got two options.

Option 1: Install, advance. If they don't Clot yet, Shipment from Sansan to score.

Option 2: Install, advance. They clot. Advance, advance, rez and pop Cyberdex. Boom.

The first method will only work once, and it's still worth having a Cyberdex at the ready, just in case.

No Jacksons. Archived Memories gets cards back into your hand, where you generally want them. Noise? Overadvance Vitruvius, and turn mills into Fast Tracks. Agenda flood? Well you were probably boned anyway.

Ice is standard. Turing is actually really good. Do what you want with it.

Oh yeah, this deck does glacier fine too. Did they blow their bank to trash Haas? Score a 5/3.

I'm tired, and this writeup shows it. But the deck is fun.

Changes you can make: -1 NAPD, +1 Efficiency. You can score even 5/3 agendas from hand with Shipments.