Aesop bought a tree

Pinsel 2590

This take on WT Ari is different to big Ari in two ways: Be have a sensible deck size and play Aesop to reduce dependency on runs and the tree


This is pretty straightword, we assemble the turbine doom rig, with an aesops behind it, use trickshot and cupellation to multiacces on centrals, and play various tech cards to deal with problems.

Aesops Pawnshop

A staple of previous shaper decks, this is a strong econ engine but has to eat lots of installables, which seems to compete with WT. However, with Muse and Coalesce this is can achieved easily, since Muse can recurr it from the heap. In the late game DJ Fenris gets back muse and simulchips, which nets us up to 8 credits for a trigger. We can also sell the WT in the late game, and use the 3 free MU for entangler and said Muse/Aesops engine. WT also has the added benefit that we can use drawn additional copies of Aesop by selling the one on the board to get Daily Casts or Class Act and install the next Aesops, or sell a program like entangler to get a Muse, recurr a coalesce, and keep the gravy train rolling. All around, this is run-independent 3c per turn, a fantastic card to complement Tree and shines in match ups, that make running hard.


WT, Muse, Coalesce eat up a lot of MU, so we play 4 cards to deal with that. A big advantage of minimal deck size is that we have a good shot at drawing them naturally, so we are not forced to fetch the singleton LilyPad every game. The goal is to get 1 PAD, 1 DZMZ, which is plenty of MU. The second DZMZ is there to smooth out the draw (5MU already helps, when Tree takes 2 MU) and to be turned into LilyPAD if necessary: Simulships are to valuable for that (remember, 1 Simulchip = 1 Muse + Coalesce = 7c with Aeosop, or it can be a legwork/entangler to save you from a sticky situation)

Tech & influence cards:

  • Class Act: Mostly a strong draw card to be fetched with tree to increase card quality and keep expensive cards in the deck, so they can be tutored, it can also serve as protection against kill. Stoneship Chart root can be tutored with WT, to ensure that you have access to more reliable protection

  • Cupellation: This can remove problematic operations, expensive assets and gets around ARES. It is also a win condition, being able to Legwork multiple times after getting a remote lock.

  • Entangler/Hush: Entangler beats most ice like Gatekeeper easily and is incredible to contest early. Hush is there for tricky ICE like a 10 strength Pharos. These are the only trojans, and they are the strongest. Kyuban seems nice, but this deck doesn't actually like running a lot, so it can't abuse it well. It rather runs consistently once per turn.

  • Turbine + Anarch breakers: Nothing special to see here, this is cheap to get via WT and provides a strong late game rig.


The strong econ engine and the turbine rig allows you to contest the remote easily, so 3 busted R&D multi acess cards, and (potentially multiple) legworks are enough to close out the game

Burst Econ/Events

The tree is quite expensive, and Aesops need some time to be found & set up. Thus we have 11 burst economy events to come out of the gate swinging. Burner didn't make it, because it is a mid game card, at which point we are already super strong. And we can just run HQ with cupellation to snipe agendas/operations

Singleton SMC

Even though this is a WT deck, we only have 4 additional tutors. The reason being that this deck can function well without WT for a while, because we play a ton of staples: Commission, Nuka, Daily Casts and Pawnshop. A second SMC already runs into MU problems with a Tree in play. The only task of it, is to be fetched with Muse (installed via Ari), so we can get WT and sell the muse to the WT for coalesce. This is another reason why we play 11 burst econ events

Asset spam

We don't have any dedicated asset hate like Mrs. Bones, but the econ egine is strong enough to handle it. WT + Aesop will drip 6 credits per turn and these decks can't defend against WT. Because there is little ICE, more simulchips and muses can be used on coalesce to keep Aesops and WT churning. Overclock and Trick shot are also incredible to run assets, and Cupellation can trash high cost assets at the cost of getting a legwork.