All the Bad Cards v1.0

ODie 726

Experimental deck designed to.try and.find utility in "bad" cards like Motivation, Eureka!, Hard at Work, etc.

Bleed feed credits such as Daily Casts, Underworld Contacts and Hard at Work means less click intensive credit gain. Aesop's Pawnshop can clear an early H@W when you have the money for click intensive installation, but it's ideally for late game (ph3) where you're fully set up, need to make fewer runs, and can afford to let that click go. Potentially getting five click-free credits a turn with two more from the Toolbox is a decent income but burst credits off Kati Jones might improve the running ability if you can time it right.

Originally designed as a Monolith deck, the breakers were chosen to be all 4-cost, maximising the discount for installation, saving 12 credits, three clicks, and so only costing an effective three credits for the Console. Motivation / Eureka! can reduce the up-front cost, too. In practice the install cost was beyond the deck economy, stalling running until the full rig was in play cost games (esp. vs. Fast Advance) and so the cost / benefit wasn't being realised. Switching to The Toolbox overcame my psych block of waiting for the combination to come together.

It's still too slow. Tollbooth gives it kittens, sucking up seven credits to the GB, which is a turns worth of free credits. More draw, search and some kind of win accelerator is needed, so throwing the floor open to suggestions here ;-)

14 Feb 2014 temporar

Three suggestions:

1/ Bring in Hostage and more "connections": -2 Diesel, -3 Rabbit Hole, -2 Mr. Li +1 John Masanori, +3 Helpful AI, +3 Hostage (or Pro Contacts, The Source)

With Diesel and Mr. Li you may accidentally draw card you want to install with Eureka! John gives you extra controlled draw from time to time and... is another "bad" card.

With Hostage you could decide what you need to improve: Helpful AI if you need link, UC if you have it, or Aesop if you have Motivation installed and 2 on your hand. It seems to me that Pro Contacts could work well in this deck as well (Hostage/Eureka!/Speed).

Also, Hostage and Aesop clears the way to The Source which could help slowing down the Corp, but then you'd need to get rid of Ninja.

2/ Introduce Test Runs and a copy of heavy-weight Icebreakers. -1 Gordian Blade, -2 Ninja, -2 Snowball +2 Test Run, +1 Femme Fatale, +1 Torch, +1 Battering Ram

Test Run synergizes well with Eureka! Being able to bring Torch, Femme or Battering Ram might improve running capabilities.

3/ Add a single copy of Levy (probably instead of 1 Dirty Laundry)

This is to counter the possibility of drawing expensive breakers, unneeded connections, getting net/meat damage early on.