Ken's Never-Ending Drug Supply

aloobyalordant 145

The core engine of this deck is The Supplier, plus three of the world's most forgiving Drug Dealers. Draw up to three cards a turn with the Dealers, and then avoid paying them by sinking all your money into Supplier installs. End result: you have no money, and everything you could ever want.

(CAUTION: Make sure you install The Supplier BEFORE the Drug Dealers! I refuse to be held responsible for the misery that will ensue if you ignore this advice.)

Since we have no money and all the cards, there's only one choice for the icebreaker suite: Faust. Faust needs no introduction, you all know why it's a good card, and why I'm a bad person for playing it. I'll just mention that because we draw 3 cards a turn (plus a bunch of other draw effects), we technically do Faust better than Anarch does Faust. Secondary icebreaker is Mongoose, AKA Faust's best friend (the best solution to Komainu, and not too bad against Swordsman). Cerberus Rex and Aurora are there for emergencies.

So what does the economy look like, in this deck with no money?
No Sure Gamble because really, when are you going to have 5 credits? Instead we have Easy Mark, which is a lifesaver. It bootstraps your other economy options and/or lets you play surprise cards from hand, on turns where the Corp thinks they have a scoring window. Use it wisely, you only get to play it 6 times. Dirty Laundry needs no explanation in a Ken deck. Public Terminals power the Dirty Laundries and Inside Jobs. You don't need them to survive, but your deck is firing on all cylinders once you have two installed. Kati Jones is your rainy-day fund for turns when you actually need real money.

With 3 draws on the Corp's turn and Sports Hopper in case of emergencies, the deck is kind of immune to kill decks, both of the Scorched Earth variety and the grind-you-down Bio-Ethics variety. (It can get scary when you're at the end of your deck and don't quite have the money for Levy). Against glacier decks the matchup is less favourable, but between Fisk Investment Seminar, Sports Hopper and Inside Job, you should be able to get into the scoring remote when you need to. (Consider slotting PolOp.) Asset Spam? That's what the Scrubbers are for. Did I mention they cost you 0 credits each? (Did I mention practically every card costs you 0-2 credits each?) Faust is naturally anti-rush. Against Fast Advance your only plan is good old-fashioned R&D Interface lock, but the good news is that NBN fast-advance days are coming to an end.

But there's one archetype that's on the rise, that this deck does terribly against. And that archetype is: Tags. This deck has no answer to Midseason Replacements or Hard-Hitting News. Nope nope nope. None at all. They will tag you, you will take all the tags, and they will trash your Supplier and your Kati Jones, and leave you alone with the money-hungry Drug Dealers while they Exchange Of Information or Psycho-Beale their way to victory. And that's why this deck is bad and you shouldn't play it.

But other than that this deck is great!

2 Aug 2016 mawa

Out of interest, with only seven run events, why are we playing Ken? Is it the influence?

4 Aug 2016 aloobyalordant

Partly the influence, and partly the extra credits can be quite be quite nice when you start most turns at 0. But also the deck evolved from an earlier version with more account siphons and legworks. I could certainly see an argument for moving it into Andromeda, say.