Khanstant Khantact

shazzner 836

Yes, it's a Khan deck. Yes, it actually does a thing.

The main card here is En Passant, it's used as surgical ice destruction tool along with your bird-breakers. Compromised Employee gets credits in return after an ice rez, Ice Analyzers let's you install your breakers after you pass.

It takes a million credits to derez some ice, which is what the Datasuckers, Temujins, Desperados, Katis, are there for. You'll tear through your deck fairly quickly so many one-ofs.

I've had good success with this deck against ETF and Blue Sun, to be able to beat CTM you'll probably have to convert this to an Andy deck with rebirth and anti-ctm tech cards.

29 Nov 2016 wombat929

Looks good! I may have to make some tweaks to my deck to try En Passant. Have you considered Sahasara instead of Ice Analyzer? 2 recurring install creds and it can't get trashed if you pick up a tag. (takes more memory though).

29 Nov 2016 shimya

Forged Activation Orders seems really synergistic with your list. Have you perhaps tried it?

29 Nov 2016 Benjen

This is almost exactly the deck I am working with now. I just removed the Ice Analyzers to make room for more desperados.