Eat the Rich

Toothball 7

My attempt at a Titan deck. It's not been through many games yet, although the first version got siphoned many times so Crisium Grid was a quick addition. I wanted to make use of the ID's ability although perhaps now too much of the economy lies in the agenda selection. Any opinions are welcome!

6 Aug 2016 mawa

I'm not convinced, that with only Geothermal Fracking to give you Bad Pub, Ireress is any good. Besides, if you run the numbers, it's not that good. Maybe try Enigma as an early gear check?

I'd also consider Elizabeth Mills and Restructure over PAD Campaign. You're promising to make a lot of money very quickly; we can use that.

6 Aug 2016 Thomas Haas

Hostile takeovers are really good with Mark Yale. He turns each of them into an additional beanstalk. Try 3x hostile, 1x hri, 3x oaktown 3x atlas 1x geothermal/corporate sales team. The money is a lot smoother.

6 Aug 2016 Toothball

@RubbishyUsername I had a deck that was heavy on the bad publicity a while ago before Blackmail came out, and Ireress helped me out in that. With a possible six tokens on Geothermal Fracking I thought it might be good here, although that would be reliant on the runner not stealing them. Elizabeth Mills is probably a better shout for dealing with that. I may shuffle the influence a bit to see if I can fit in a Magnet or two.

@Thomas Haas I didn't want to rely too much on getting Mark Yale out to spend otherwise redundant tokens, but I do have all those Executive Search Firms in there, I may as well make use of them. Those agendas do sound a bit easier to score, as all the Mark Yales in the world won't help if the runner steals them first. Just need to watch out for the Bad Publicity.

Thanks to both of you!