
BeermanBarman 14

My first deck that I think might not suck! My card pool is a little restricted (C&C, H&P plus a handful of data packs) so I'm making do with what I have. The card that is missing from this to make it a more traditional Cambridge deck is of course Ronin. Lacking that, I'm using Shipment from MirrorMorph in combination with Mushin No Shin to apply pressure to the runner via tempo.

Mirrormorph allows me to get traps and agendas out on the table lickety split, setting up the evil Jinteki slot machine with a quickness, protecting me from agenda flood and multi access in HQ.

If I'm lucky enough to get Shipment from MirrorMorph, Mushin No Shin, and an agenda or trap early I can push out a scoring remote (or a deadly/crippling trap that looks like an agenda I want to score) in a blink of an eye, forcing the runner to sit up and take notice.

In a perfect world, I can score a House of Knives (or two!) early and put pressure on the runner to make dangerous or taxing runs in the mid game (Chum->Chimera, Komainu-> Fetal AI, or any trap) and use Neural EMP and those HoK tokens to seal the deal.

Late game, I'll have to rely on the stacked odds of the Jinteki slot machine of doom to score out if I can't dupe them into a flatline (This could also be the time for Philotic Entanglement to score a kill shot).

Things I'm worried about: I'm not sure I have enough economy, yog.0 laughs at nearly half my ice, parasite ruins almost all of my ice, and I have no recursion to counteract Noise milling into archives (but at least I can drop Shi.Kyū in there).

I've got Opening Moves on the way, so future iterations of this deck will likely include both Jackson Howard and Himitsu-Bako.