A World Plaza off the Grid

Sunkain 2

I’m a newbie in need of guidance

The goal here is to set up a really powerful HQ. Probably a 4-5 ICE deep. It has to be impenetrable. Even more if you can. I know, a good runner can always enter, but the goal is to make it so dense the runner just can’t keep up. When you have some money (through blue sun ability) you use world plaza + off the grid and you start installing Adonis and Pad. Your economy kicks in, you have tons of asset in one server, making Tour Guide quite effective.

You start earning a lot of money, the runner will want to get in your HQ. If he does, you’re screwed. Meru Mati, Hive, Tollbooth… Anything to keep him out. You have your Crisium Grid to buy yourself a bit of time.

Then you open the second unprotected remote server. As you are not very aggressive for the runner, he will most probably develop a good grid, which is what high risk investment is good at countering. Oaktown renovation allows moneyflow and project atlas gives you consistency.

As it can be a bit slow, Operations can help kickstart it a little, allowing for early hives and/or Tollbooths.

Unprotected off the grid servers… Is there a way to make it better ?