Punk Rock Will Never Die, But You Will

greyfield 3917

(With apologies to Mogwai.)

Bringing Apocalypse MaxX into the new world. Not that she ever left. But with Minh MaxX resurgent, it's nice to remind them who's the real queen.

The loss of D4v1d is a drag, especially against ETF, but with tight play you can get around it - and the upside is its loss along with the fall of the Astro train means you no longer need a console at all. Instead, you can use those slots for extra frustrating currents, especially Rumor Mill as an answer to the dreaded Caprice on HQ and impossible-to-dislodge Jacksons. And as ice walls get thinner and decks become more reliant on their operations to hide from Whizzard, grips become thicker, and Wanton Destruction becomes more... destructive.

I've been quite pleased with two Paperclips, since they give immediate free pressure to the board. That means you pretty much always want them, which also means you're limited in how much you can exploit Apocalypse without losing them. Of course, depending on what Black Orchestra does and/or if there's a third card like it, those numbers may have to change. Also, the lack of a good Decoder/Yog.0 is pretty awful, because it stretches out your Femme Fatale. But these are the choices we have to make. Apocalypse is the great equalizer, and provided you play tight and don't let the corp blow you out with nonsense like triple-Turing HQ because you didn't use DDOS, you should be able to fix anything. At least once, that is.

One thing to keep in mind against tag decks is you don't have to go grab Keyholed agendas until you have 7 points ready to take. That way, you mitigate the threat of Exchange of Information and, but for Psychographics, you're often unafraid of going tag-me. You still don't want to accrue an insane number of tags, of course, so against decks like CTM, use Hacktivist Meeting to slow down their setup, then Siphon + Apocalypse to send them back to the stone age while keeping your tag count relatively clean. Keyhole abuse should finish the job. If you do sense (or, even better, see) there's a kill card, clear the tags, slow down, and prepare to grind them out.

27 Aug 2016 nutritionalzero

I would play this just because of the Mogwai-esque title.

28 Aug 2016 hutch9514

I built a list almost identical with the exception of 3 injects and 2 wantons, and dropping the femm for a D4v1d. Glad to see someone else embrace the ApocalypseMaxX