ミドリン 38

Maybe I should comment this deck, since I will publish it.


That wonderful to be able to write in different size. So basically, when I tried this ID, i was looking for something to change. Glacier wasn't fun any more, and I don't like fast advance. So I try something about rush. The idea was to build something that could allow to stop very fast runners to come, so why not NEXT DESIGN ? With a good construction, this ID allow a very fast start, and allow scoring before shaper could install, and stopping fearless criminal.


It's a rush deck, don't lose time, but if needed can be a pseudo-glacier. You won't have big scoring window, you will need to be subtle about scoring, No upgrade to protect installed agenda. Ash 2X3ZB9CY slows too much the game in my opinion, even if it could be useful, I preferred putting some economy.

Card by card description

Long, only if you want specific information and propaganda on different cards. And explanation on play style of specific cards.

Agenda Set

20 points. Just the minimum. Some people could say that 3 Prio Req could do the work too, but I liked the idea of having just one agenda difficult to steal (to warn the runner if he happens to see it early). But not more than 1, because I want to score really fast, and NAPD Contract wasn't successful in a 3 set. Maybe replace an ABT for one, but I would recommend to stay on a 3 ABT. If you think you could score a 4-2 agenda, go to an over-scored Vitruvius. It allows to take back all NEXT ICEs that would be trash because of annoying parasite.

Asset set (doesn't sound good as a header name)

Adonis Campaign is of course in here. Efficient, almost cheap, a 3 set. The question that I see coming : "Why no Eve Campaign ?". The answer is simple. I don't like that card in this type of deck : slow, expensive, and I think that a good runner will trash it. I prefer a well played Melange Mining Corp. and PAD Campaign 'cause of the ability to have your money back way faster. (1-2 turns for PAD, 3-4 for Eve). And PAD allows to be able to have creds to put on rails an economy after ruin. So that was economy assets, and there are 3 more cards to comment in here. But do I really need to do it ? Who doesn't know this Jackson Howard ? Just 2, because NEXT Design: Guarding the Net as only 12 influence, we can't spend it on a third Action Jackson. And a Snare!. All decks should play with it. Not all, but most. Just to put fear in runner mind (and the feeling is best with Snare Sleeves, since there is some kind of provocation to access it). Strategically speaking, I put one in here to slow runner 1 turn, to open a scoring window just after he takes. Just one due to influence issue too.

Operation Set

3 Hedge Fund, I like this under-rated card. Nobody plays with it, but I made a test here, and it seems to work :þ 2 Restructure, because it combines well with Melange Mining Corp. and Hedge Fund, but not in 3, not enough place in this deck, that need a lot of ICE. (I will comeback to that later). 1 Snatch and Grab. Simply because sometimes you have to trash Kati or some kind of fool that base their economy on Aesop. Mostly to punish people to put too much money on this Kati. And the Blue Level Clearance, because it allows a little burst of econ and a bit of draw power, allowing to find agenda during scoring window, and strengthen your economy.

Ice set

The difficult part, and the most important part in a deck like that (once the economy is stabilized). There is exactly 23 ICEs in this list, so that's 50% of cards. Since you have to make profits from NEXT!! ability, three ICE in hands is perfect, 2 correct. Stats are 78% of having 2 ICEs or more in a starting hand, and considering a Mulligan, it's a 4.84% to not have a starting hand with 2 ICEs. It can happen to have a terrible hand, once I had 0 and Mulligan to have 1 (odds are 0.7%), and I was sad, but well, it so much fun to start with 3 ICEs on play, that's totally worth-it. For this set I choose almost the same number of each type of ICE, and as always, try to make an Atman-resistant set. And NEXT ICE are good for that, since their strength can change on your decision to rez or not.

  • Barrier

3 Eli 1.0, to have a good runner-slower. It will not stop, but make you gain time. 2 on the same server makes it expensive for the runner. More than enough for an Adonis Campaign remote, or archives. 3 NEXT Silver. Less effective than a Wall of Static in early game, more in late game. Just vulnerable to parasite. Still more effective than an Hive if you can rez enough NEXT. 2 big big ICEs. Hardly rez by paying install cost, but with a good Priority Requisition or an Accelerated Beta Test, this could lock well either HQ, R&D or a remote depending on situation (but Wotan on archive is definitely the best place to put it with ABT).

  • Code Gate

NEXT Bronze in a 3 set. Cheap, strong in late-game, Atman resistant, I can ask anything more to an ICE.
And do we need to talk about Tollbooth ? Core-set ice, efficient but expensive one. Will hardly be rezzed, but if it happens that enough money is available, it's just one of the best protection you can have for a Melange Mining Corp.. To complete code gate set, I choose 2 Viktor 2.0, even if it begin to make too much 5-strenght ICEs (and there is more with sentries). Like Eli 1.0, it's more a slower for early game than a blocker, but if it happens to work, and a brain damage is available, the feeling to use it is very good. I prefer warn that it doesn't happen often.

  • Sentry

Time to protect by destroying. But I will not start with that since I will talk about Caduceus. 2 Trace, and one that can make you take back the rez cost. It's up to the runner to either pay a lot for nothing or make you "rich" (and still for nothing). Face to this ICE, there is 3 types of runners, the ones that will pay the first trace, just to not make you gain 3 credits, and will take the "end the run" on the second trace, the ones that will let you gain 3, and hope that you won't pay to make the second trace stronger (when you don't have many creds, I don't strengthen the second trace), and rich runner than can pay both. But well, it cost always something. It's a non-free ICE. That's why I play it even if in late games, that ICE is less effective. And the destroyer set. Both Ichi, to make some diversity around force, and what can be break by clicking and 2 Rototurret. Too bad there isn't space for a third Rototurret. Never enough of it. Rototurret every where. (I need Rototurret sleeves, it could be very fun).

  • Other

1 Mother Goddess. It works well with NEXT ICE, and with Order & Chaos cutlery, It allows to protect any ice after it. Put it before a WOtan, and a second knifed as to be used to trash your barrier, and so on. I think I could put this ICE everywhere to protect others.