Starting with Kit

razhemnet 5

First deck designed

15 Sep 2014 DarkMite2

You are on the right track. There are a couple of things I might do differently. First, I see some possible stable economy issues. Also, I would suggest that if you are going to use Cloak then you should cut Femme & use Dagger as your Sentry breaker instead. That will allow you the influence to throw in another Special Order too. Finally, consider replacing Freelance Coding Contract with Levy AR Lab Access.

15 Sep 2014 razhemnet

Yeah, I was considering already removing the Freelance for a third Maker's Eye and changing the Femme for Dagger to keep costs low. I do see the point of adding another Special Order. Levy, though powerful seems quite spendy... and that would put me in 47 card territory, is it really that important to redo your deck in a Kit deck or is it mostly a just in case scenario? As for economy, any suggestions? I only intend to use Core, Cyber Exodus and Creation and Control at the moment.

15 Sep 2014 DarkMite2

I didn’t want to list a bunch of suggestions, at first, because deck building is one of the most fun parts of this game for me. I get a little annoyed when ppl at my store say, “Why aren’t you using {Card X}?” But since you asked, I’m glad to offer some help.

First, you don’t have to use Dagger. If you are limited to cards from particular sets, then I would stick with Femme. I say this to help avoid MU issues with Cloak. (I have a Kit deck that uses Dagger, but I use “Ghost Runner” to fund it) I would remove Special Order completely and replace it with Test Run. You combo it with Scavenge to get Femme and other programs on the table for only 3 creds.

The economy card you need is Magnum Opus. It is the most powerful economy card a runner can have (IMO). With MO in the deck, you can drop Dirty Laundry, Daily Casts, and Professional Contacts. Once it is on the table you will always have creds. (I would still keep the 3x Sure Gamble. If you really want to keep Daily Casts – that would be fine IMO)

You don’t need Personal Touch at all. Your goal is to get your code gate breaker on Dinosaurus. Once it’s there you will roll over all most all Code Gates in the game. I would add in an extra Dinosaurus to guarantee you draw it easier.

Clone chip and Personal Workshop are up to you, but for this deck I would omit them. Workshop is great if you are program/hardware heavy, but your deck is mostly events. Clone Chip is mainly used to get programs like Parasite / Deus Ex back into play – which you are not running. I see that you may have had it to combo with Freelance, but if you run 3x Magnum Opus you won’t need it.

I recommended Levy AR Lab Access because it’s better than Freelance. It’s not a “must have”, but if you had everything else you want up to 3x and still one card slot open then I would use Levy over most cards.

Again, these are just suggestions. I hope you find these helpful. =)