Retrunner Stealth Kit - Up to Order and Chaos

Spraybizzle 8

Core Set to Order and Chaos

This deck is so much fun! Get your Professional Contacts down early and just work through your deck building a cheap rig that basically makes runs for all but free. You're Same Old Things are for Spooned, and your Moddeds are for Cereberus or R&D interfaces. This deck does take a bit of time to setup, so you don't want to be too aggressive and blow all your money at first. You want to have about 15-25 creds by mid game when you start making more runs because you'll need them to trash cards and deal with upgrades. Just get your Professional Contacts down, and find your Refractor as soon as possible so you can potentially run a remote early if needed, but otherwise you are working to build a huge rig consisting of Cloaks, Lockpicks, Clone Chips, Astrolabe, and Ghost Runners for the middle to late game.

You are basically going remote lock or R&D lockdown as your primary strategy and must adjust depending on which Corp as to how you play that. Unfortunately, unless you get Refractor down early and they don't ice up their remote too much, or they don't SanSan/biotic out an early Astro, NEH is a real problem because they go faaaaaasssssssst.

There are some challenges, but it's probably a Tier 2 deck that can do pretty decent, but is one of the most fun decks I've ever played. That's because I've been a boring straight forward, Gabe Santiago style, Criminal runner for most of my time. There's nothing wrong with that, it's still fun, but after 1000+ games, I'm ready to explore some other playstyles. This is a great deck to step out of your comfort zone if you aren't normally comfortable with big rigs or combo decks.

Hope someone has as much fun as I did with this one. You can find people to play Retrunner games on the Green Level Clearance Discord Server.