Purple Sweaters v1.5.3

XxAuroraUser69xX 133

This deck went undefeated winning me third place at a twenty something participant Store Championship at Dice Age on Saturday, January 31st.

For a write-up on how to pilot this deck look to http://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/13165/purple-sweaters-v1-5-2 it's nearly the same deck, but with Reversed Accounts instead of Crisium Grid which was purely an incorrect post-O&C meta call. The rest of this write up is about the tournament and the games I played themselves

Round 1 opponent: http://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/14486/pdx-dice-age-sc-1-31-15-20-players-1st-place-maxx

This wasn't an easy match up, but I had a rezzed Viktor 2.0 and Janus 1.0 with Crisium Grid behind them protecting R&D by at most turn five, so that took some serious mojo from that deck. After I locked that down I just bluffed out a 5/3 on a SanSan and fast advanced for the win.

Round 2 opponent: Chaos Theory Origami

Uhh there's not much to say here. I got flooded so lost four points early but bluffed out a naked ABT, then had a scoring window for Utopia, then SanSan'd out my last two points. Beyond the first few turns where they punished my open servers they just played solitaire with Origami and Magnum Opus. Their deck probably just needed a few more turns I guess.

Round 3 opponent: Leela

This was a real game. I SanSan'd an ABT and hit it off for a lucky Janus and Heimdall 1.0 and completely negated Leela's ability to punish unrezzed ice, and without that they had a hard time to do anything else. They whiffed on a few R&D runs to try and stop me from scoring out of my remote, and because of their poor accesses I scored out in my remote.

Round 4 opponent: Chaos Theory Stimshop

It's hard to say what was going on here. They seemed to not be getting what they needed, which let me get six points out on my SanSan. After that I just kept throwing things in my scoring server and burnt them out on resources after they stole 5 points from that strategy, which let me score out a 5/3 for the win. This really shouldn't have worked, it wasn't strategically sound whatsoever I was just burned out.

Round 5: Stealth Andromeda

This was actually my first time ever playing Stealth Andy with this deck, so I can't really say what I did right here. I got flooded again first turn so I had to install a naked ABT, which I used to mill a Vitruvius, and two Adonis Campaigns, it was rough going. I managed to score out a Hades behind two tollbooths before they had the means to break both, then kept them poor by forcing them to repeatedly run that server by throwing a bunch of upgrades and eventually an unadvanced NAPD on an unrezzed SanSan for the win.

So yeah, I just kind of stumbled through these games and things all worked out, somehow. This deck doesn't usually need as much bluff finesse as it did these games, but what can I say?

1 Feb 2015 mattastrophic

I have to say, your Purple Sweaters deck is pretty frickin tough to play against. You may not have a lot of ICE, but they are all huge and difficult to deal with. Those plus the must-trash San-San City Grid make for a very taxing board. I'm so glad to see that you went 5-0 with it!