Good old Inversificator

Diogene 4178

Kit was one of my first runner. I also used to have so much fun with Inversificator. That was quite a while ago, in a different meta.

Here, I tried to put it back together. Here is the result. Central multiaccesses and lots of creds to go around.

Kit ability will insure that you can facecheck anything, if you have 10 creds and Inversificator. Use the swapping ability to your advantage, like advancing by one hop on the same ice. Or putting the easy ice on central and hard ices on Archives. So much shenanigans possible.

There is many cards that give cred. Harbinger + Aesop, Rezeki, Pro.Co., Daily Cast, Sure Gamble, Dirty Laundry, Armitage Codebusting, Beth Kilrain. That's 24 cards of 45. If you land Aesop early, you can use it to gain an extra cred from Daily Cast and Armitage.

Ika will let you pass Anansi and its variant for pretty cheap. Paperclip is the best fracter in the game. And Inversificator is actually a very good breaker. But to make Inversificator more efficient, there is Gebrselassie, which will allow you to keep the strenght for the whole turn! With judicious swapping of the ices, you can make your life super easy. Putting that Border Control on Archives is sweet.

Hunting Ground serve double duty. First, it allow you to avoid nasty encounter effect. If the corp use the kind of ice that does that, you keep it on the board. Otherwise, use its second ability to put facedown card on the board. You just made yourself 3 fodder for Aesop, clicklessly. The later ability is to be used around mid game or later, one your board is setup.

Multiaccess come from The Gauntlet and The Maker's Eye. With The Gauntlet, if the corp put multiple ice on HQ, you are golden, as each run will allow you to see half the grip or more. If the corp does not, it's still good. You just need to make sure to put a Code Gate in front of HQ to have nearly unlimited run.

As usual, Simulchip is for insurance and and shenanigan, like putting back an Harbinger or getting Paperclip or Inversificator from the heap by trashing an SMC. Misdirection is just good protection, especially with NBN. And Synthetic Blood give you moderate protection from damage, without losing tempo.

It's worth it to repeat : Inversificator is so much fun, in a light trolling kind of way. You can almost hear the corp screaming at their screen "What! Noooooo! $&%$!!"

Good times.