Andy dances with the Devil 2.0

johncraven 317

Fisk seminar makes Andy absolute bonkers and re-invigorates the siphon threat by landing it very very early (think turn 2-3). It provides much needed cheap card draw for criminal, archives + hq pressure, and fodder for Faust. Following up a Seminar + Siphon turn with a Legwork on the following turn is an extremely strong play: the corp often starts his turn with 9 cards, 0 credits, unable to stabilize the game. Installing three cards seem useless at 0 creds, yet doing anything other than playing cards results in discarding 2 or more cards, which either increases the agenda density in HQ or archives. This deck can often alternate Seminar+Siphon turns with Legwork turns while keeping an R&D lock on the corp and developing the board which makes scoring off remotes impossible.