Armchair Sports Fan (Top H–B at Rosemont SC)

nutritionalzero 14

I woke up on the morning of our vibrant and well-attended SC having not really played since January. I told my wife “Right, whatever’s in my deckbox is going with me” and it turned out to be the Sportsmetal deck I played over 100 times towards the end of 2018.

“Cool,” I thought, “I’m lazy. I know how Sportsmetal works.” Of course... Having just received my Downfall cards I had to tinker with it... Turns out I made six changes.

Architect Deployment Test is unreal... Fire it first before choosing your Sportsmetal trigger. You get fantastic information and can act accordingly. It’s even better with Arella Salvatore, because you know what your Sportsmetal trigger will get you if you fire her last.

I got a bit overexcited by replacing my Gatekeepers with Hagens. Hagen sort of is like an IP Block... But because it’s new people steer around it. Give it a week or two and people will read that first subroutine more carefully. ;-)