Yog process

Restartt 217

Thought experiment to share on yog +dedicated processor. Nre to hit s4 or less for free, dedicated means s5-8 is 2 credits. Not dino to reduce setup time/cost and fit in the draw of astrolabe. One spooned and three smc to pick away at servers. Egret tutoring and recursion, and paintbrush for the rest. Idea is to make a free ish run on R&D every turn while poking hq and remotes. Film critic and sacred con necessary silver bullets for meta

Money may end up being tight, maybe swap dirty laundry around (proco or Armitage? Mu too tight for mopus)

26 May 2017 M4n0

Hey there,

Since your only Icebreaker is Yog, maybe is more useful The Personal Touch instead of Net-Ready Eyes?

Awesome idea anyway. Loved the synergy between Rielle, Yog and Dedicated Processor. Spooned looks very useful too.

27 May 2017 Restartt

@M4n0 When initially building the deck, PT did cross my mind. This initial build only goes for NRE for a few minor reasons - i was afraid of losing too much to a random sapper or trap or hunter killer if i couldn't find my protection early or often enough, and I have so many duplicates to find things early that i probably wont mind the damage, and two credits saved is two credits.

That said, thats only the reason the initial build is the way it is, and it was close. in testing maybe i'll throw one of each in or swap them out every few games and see how each does