Khan: Savvy Ice Analyzer - Compromised Supplier

Krams 949

So, here's an Update to my Khan deck. Check out the prior releases for a full write-up.

Khan and her birds - the deck concept

  • Peregrine + Golden for breaking and derrezing
  • Ice Analyzer for paying for Peregrine + Golden (re)installs
    • of course Ice Analyzer is fueled by the ice being derezzed regularly
    • extra s from Compromised Employee on every rez
  • Khan: Savvy Skiptracer for instant reinstalls after derezzing
    • can be used for reinstalling breakers after passing any other Ice than the first
  • Autoscripter to profit off of regular program installs

Changes from last version

  • −2 Scheherazade. I'm not happy with them gone, but I needed the inf and they only really help me once the bird engine is fully going and when that happens, I have 3 Compromised Employee and 3 Ice Analyzer to do the job.
  • −2 Autoscripter. Thanks to @FarCryFromHuman I realized they weren't worth it. I thought of them as part of the engine, but they were a cluggy part that slowed the whole thing down when it was suppsed to speed it up with the gains.
  • −1 Sure Gamble and −2 Career Fair. It doesn't feel right to remove burst eco from a deck that's already kinda slow, but I need the card slots. If this were a 45 card deck, I'd probably put them back in.
  • +1 The Supplier, because without the Career Fairs, I really really need him for my setup.
  • +2 Sports Hopper and +2 Feedback Filter for damage protection.
  • +2 Symmetrical Visage for some more drip income. The deck has little draw power and probably needs to : darw 1 card anyways on most turns.

Cards I'm considering

  • Earthrise Hotel. I kinda hate the card, because it doesn't really gain anything on itself (1 card, 1, 4, that's 6 eco points upfornt cost for 6 cards drip, a net gain of nothing with a speed loss on top). But it could do so much for me here... Especially if I'd use something to reduce the costs.
  • Fisk Investment Seminar could also work well for drawing and the forced Corp draw could combo well with Ankusa for overfilled hands and the whole "draining resources by derezzing" thing in general.

Thanks for reading!
As always, any comments are welcome :)

31 Oct 2016 Tozar

I tried the earlier iteration of your deck with some tweaks! I made a lot of the same changes, but I took out nearly all the events and replaced them with exclusive parties (we intend to get through the entire deck before the game is over). I added 3 Earthrise Hotels for even more draw. The data suckers became LLDS processors. I also included a London Library to help put some ice breakers on the table to get the ball rolling, just be careful that you have something to derez so you can save the click you would have to spend to recover the breaker. 2 Multithreaders made the derez strategy economical. I felt bad for the corp I played against because rezzing even the cheapest ice was hurting him and I didn't have enough multiaccess to close out the game.

Hernando Cortez might be worth a slot.