
bloodyfistyheart 42

This is a super fun deck to play and runs fairly well despite the 50 card deck.

Basically, I threw in all of Valencia's bad pub toys and loads of card draw. Clone chip is here to make use of that sweet bad pub money. This is of course assuming the corp actually rezzes ICE.

Some long-forgotten cards make an appearance here. Raymond Flint is awesome for getting more out of your Investigative Journalism turns. Not only can you give them a bad pub but you can also make a runless access! You also need the expose ability to set up you Blackmail runs. Tallie Perrault is also here for late game scorch protection and for deep stack digs. Spending 0 clicks to draw 5 cards can give you a real boost when you need it. She provides scorch protection because if the corp has 3 bad pub and plays a scorched earth, you trigger her to give the corp a bad pub, then draw 4 cards before the next scorch. Sassy!

Same Old Thing can keep your Itinerant Protesters and Blackmail pressure up, obviously. Déjà Vu can grab both of those as well as Investigative Journalism.

Day Job, Investigative Journalism, and Liberated Account will just eat up your turns, but I think it's okay to sit back more because the corp will be so worried about just the threat of a blackmail that they will play more cautiously. Except Titan Transnational. That deck just R3k7ed this thing.