Saturn's Hexagon v1.0

Snake Eyes 4651

I'm still playing around with this deck, but I was able to pull off a few wins with it after some recent tweaks, so in order to join the conversion with a couple of other Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future Trick of Light Space ICE players I'm prematurely publishing this deck. As it turns out we all had some similar ideas on how to run the archetype. In this version, I'm something like 3 for 4, so by no means is the testing and tweaking comprehensive here.

The core idea of this playstyle is to generate tokens on your Space ICE to reduce the cost of it - rez it for cheap/free, then Trick of Light your tokens to fast-advance agendas, with the biggest priority given to Project Atlas. There are a few cards here that will help generate tokens, namely the agenda Firmware Updates (which can trigger on each player's turns) and Builder - which is moderately taxing for the runner to break -and odds are that you'll get the first one off for free.

Due to Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future's ability, you can create an Atlas Train - and Project Atlases don't even need to be in hand. You can just pull them from R&D using the free token you get on Project Atlas.

I shaved away one Wormhole - even though it is probably one of the most inconvenient pieces of Space ICE to break, due to it's conditional clause.. as early game ICE, Wormhole is junk. You don't want your opening hand to be filled with porous ICE like that. Orion, while it is a great piece of ICE, is being shaved down to just the one due to it's unique factor, and to serve as a more useful site for token banking. Ice Wall and Fire Wall are great targets for multiple tokens as well, if you're already rezzed your main ICEs and/or don't have any more useful sites to put your Builders.

Changeling is in there mainly to help the fight against D4V1D. Against Eater decks, a 4 str ETR piece of ICE is okay, 5 credits isn't bad to pay for it. Against non-Eater decks, it can be annoying for the Corp to be able to get both required breakers out to break it, making it great early/mid game ICE.

Cyberdex Virus Suite is a useful Anarch hate card - as a one-of it's okay. When you get it eventually, it will probably hit them by surprise. You can then put it in Archives later by paying the 3 to trash it once installed, causing a purge, then effectively shutting down archives as a means of token generation for the runner.

Crisium Grid is a great card - shuts down Eater/Keyhole decks - and can be very useful against Criminals if put on HQ (or even Archives if you suspect Sneakdoor Beta). Beware of potential complicated rules interactions though!

5 Feb 2015 Pyjam

Hi again!

Regarding Commercialization : I played essentially against Crim decks and Emergency Shutdown was always a threat. So, I tried to always keep 3 tokens on each piece of cosmic ice. For that, I overadvance one piece of cosmic ice to create a reserve of tokens for Commercialization and Trick of Light. I stack up to 7 tokens when no Atlas has been scored yet, then 5, then 3, then game over. In this situation, Commercialization is very helpful.

I've played Fire Wall and Changeling. Both are excellent ices. Unfortunately they were the favorite targets for Emergency Shutdown after a Siphon. Since I've removed them, the deck works better.

I encourage you to read what I've written on BGG. It explain a lot about my choices :

My buddy plays The Supplier. It's very easy to gain 10 or sometimes 20 credits with Targeted Marketing against the The Supplier. :0)

5 Feb 2015 Snake Eyes

hahahaha! Brilliant hate card for the The Supplier!

I will give that a good read once I finish one or two things around the internet. Thanks for following up!

5 Feb 2015 Pyjam

Yes, the Runner really cannot avoid to install his R&D interfaces against this deck. Ah, ah... :0)

5 Feb 2015 Snake Eyes

Ah c'est vrai ça - vous avez parler à propos de Firmware Updates. C'est un des Agendas içi qui n'est pas facile d'avancer sans utiliser Trick of Light. Normalement je fabric un serveur et je le protage un 'ti peu pour mes Agendas que je ne veux pas utiliser Trick of Light pour.

5 Feb 2015 Snake Eyes

Avec 18 chose que je peux me protager avec (bien okay, 15 chose, car Builder n'aide pas vraiment pour la sécurité)... sa ne semble pas trop dangereux... Mais je vais tester ces idées un 'ti plus içi! Peut-être je vais changer mes Agendas un peu - 12 est possiblement trops pour cette style de jeu!

5 Feb 2015 Pyjam

Thanks for the answers in french. ;0)

For the “choses”, we call them "ices" or "glaces" in France. (TMI is an acronym for “Très Mauvaise Ice” (Very Bad Ice) lol).

I could be wrong but with your ice selection, I bet your beginning is sometimes a little difficult. It's the reason for which I play a lot of binary ices.

Builder is a very good ice. If I chose not to play with it it's because the subroutines trigger only for two reasons:

a) The Runner cannot break them, in which case Wendigo would have been a better choice very often, or

b) The Runner voluntarily chooses not to break them, in which case Wendigo would have been a better choice also. There are some cases where it's better for the Runner not to break the subroutines on Builder, but it's never the case with Wendigo otherwise he's stopped or worse.

The only case where Builder is better than Wendigo is for a facecheck, I believe. This case has been quite rare.

6 Feb 2015 Bananifier

(I don't have any constructive comment to make on the deck, sorry. I quite like it, though! I can't wait to et my hands on O&C)

6 Feb 2015 Snake Eyes

There is a motherf--king hexagon on motherf--king Saturn!

6 Feb 2015 Snake Eyes

@Pyjam De riens!

lol @ TMI.

I made a slight tweak to the ICE set to allow for a few more early ETRs. A single Caduceus and some more power to Asteroid Belt. As a build she's getting some more grounding. I'm really liking Shipment from Kaguya as an economy card here for getting a lot of tokens across the board quickly.

I may give Wendigo a shot later - Since I added in Shipment from Kaguya - it might currently be at a state of over-kill for the tokens atm. More playtesting will help shape this out piece by piece. Thanks for your comments!

6 Feb 2015 x3r0h0ur

Holy crap, this is shockingly similar to the one I've been working on without publishing, and I've not been looking at Titan builds. I believe the flexibility and speed of Titan is pretty sick. Looks like we might be on the right track....

7 Feb 2015 Snake Eyes

ahahah, right on! This is not the first time we've had similar deckbuilding ideas for new archetypes. You and I should have a little pow wow on OCTGN sometime @x3r0h0ur!

7 Feb 2015 x3r0h0ur

I'll be on next week, and more during the next stimhack league.

7 Feb 2015 Pyjam

@x3r0h0ur : Too bad, you've missed my AWESOME deck! :0)

7 Feb 2015 Tuko

I really think people are missing a trick by not running Chronos Project in this build.