Humanity's Desperado v1.0

Income Tax 357

(I couldn't call this Spinal Atman, since it runs neither of those cards anymore. The idea is still the same.)

Edward Kim cares about one thing: smashing the corps plans into tiny pieces. However, he's just one man with a sledgehammer. He needs the greatest superpower of all to take down the corps: cold, hard creds.

The idea is constant pressure. You'll need some econ to start, which is why starting with a Desperado/Security Testing/Kati Jones will get you far. Once you get set up, you will be pleasantly surprised with the amount of creds you can generate by just doing what runners do best.

Do not fear the face check, though you should probably always get a Mimic against Jinteki ASAP. Otherwise, just keep drawing to get your rig up. Eater is a safety net rather than our main battle strategy, enabling our Cutlery and a desperate Singularity if we can't score that last agenda in the super remote.

Earthrise Hotel gives us extra time to run, while still helping us build our board. Just be sure you have a way to get money to play out the options it gives you.

Scrubber is in place of Imp for two reasons: 1. Asset economy is a bigger concern. If the corp has some nasty ice, we can have a number of ways to wreck their investment (Parasite, Cutlery). 2. Scrubbers give greater longevity. Imp is done after 3 uses, takes up memory and dies to a Cyberdex access. Scrubbers do none of these things.

Security Test is present in the face of Cyberdex in the Archives ruining our precious Datasucker tokens. It forces RP to actually defend Archives instead of just letting Shock/ShiKyu/etc do the work. It punishes NEH for daring to play undefended assets, letting you keep up with trashing their other assets from the SecTest econ and Scrubber.

You could go with Same Old Thing in place of some other cards, but that'd make this a more Event-based deck. Give it a try, tell me how it works out!

Future inclusions would be: -1 Desperado, +1 Net-Ready Eyes, +1 Utopia Shard. This is because Net Ready Eyes looks awesome and I want to try it.
